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Psalter lane art college - the end

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If the campus on Psalter Lane is closing then it's good news in my opinion. It's an eye sore and brings students dangerously close to Ecclesall. It's much better if Sheffield Hallam consolidates its campuses.

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I started at PL 8 years ago studying Media and preffered it over both the other campus'. I know it wasn't as hip and high tech and it was a bu**er to get to but it was smaller, friendlier and the building was a weird mix of old and new and quite spooky at night.

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They're moving English and History from Collegiate Crescent over the summer, to make room for the Psalter Lane crew to move to CC in 2007/08 AFAIK.


I study at both Collegitate and Psalter Lane at the minute and find that I study alot better at Collegiate as PL is now just made up of loads of cruddy little pre-fab units, apart from the library which is a lovely building.

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Some of the PL depts are moving to City and some to Collegiate. You can tell it's going to happen because for about 10yrs they said it would so they neglected doing anything to the campus at Psalter and last year they finally did quite a bit of upgrade work on it, so that was surely the kiss of death.

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hi White Rose and chrisp, i did an MA in Media studies in London, and focussed mainly on film, cos that was my first love. i did go on to work in the industry, but it had nothing to do with having studied film. What gets you working in film & TV is balls, determination, and a penchant for exploitation! Worked for nothing a on a few low budget films, which i've since seen on the IMDb and Ebay! Did a lot of BBC jobs too. Got out in the end cos i was freelance, and got fed up with the unstable lifestyle. Glad I did it though, and don't regret any of it. Got lots of memories, met lots of famous people etc, and satisfied my curiosity. Ed Mayer's been to my mum and dad's house a few times - he's a gent! not sure how old he is...

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hi White Rose and chrisp, i did an MA in Media studies in London, and focussed mainly on film, cos that was my first love. i did go on to work in the industry, but it had nothing to do with having studied film.


Hi -


Yeah, I can't say any of the studying I did ever helped to get me a creative job. Like you say, that just comes from hard work and determination. I feel quite lucky to be working in a creative area - I'm a graphic artist in the video games industry, although that's not what I set out to do originally. I'm still waiting to make it as a famous fine artist or illustrator! Maybe one day :) !.


Seriously though, it would be nice to know of anyone in Sheff working in an 'arty' profession - film making, video games, fine art or otherwise. Anyone else out there??. Any Children's book illustrators or authors reading this by any chance - bit of a long shot, I geuss!!?.

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Hi -


Yeah, I can't say any of the studying I did ever helped to get me a creative job. Like you say, that just comes from hard work and determination. I feel quite lucky to be working in a creative area - I'm a graphic artist in the video games industry, although that's not what I set out to do originally. I'm still waiting to make it as a famous fine artist or illustrator! Maybe one day :) !.


Seriously though, it would be nice to know of anyone in Sheff working in an 'arty' profession - film making, video games, fine art or otherwise. Anyone else out there??. Any Children's book illustrators or authors reading this by any chance - bit of a long shot, I geuss!!?.


im a writer chrisp, normally i write (and take pics) for the climbing press but ive nearly finished writing my first novel which is set in sheffield. youre right, it would be good for those of us arty farty types on SF to get together!


yeah youre right whatsupthen, he did! and so did ian burden, who subsequently became one of the keyboard players for the human league. lovely boy.


anyway with regards to the OP ive just posted an article about the private view on friday of the graduation show, along with photos, on my white rose blog, linked to in my signature. let me know what you think! theres a comments section at the bottom of the post to leave comments if you want, too :)


the show is really good this year, i cant recommend it enough. its free, and its on all week (not monday 29th or tuesday 30th may though.)

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im a writer chrisp, normally i write (and take pics) for the climbing press but ive nearly finished writing my first novel which is set in sheffield. youre right, it would be good for those of us arty farty types on SF to get together!



Wow Rose - a novel!. I can't imagine how much effort must go into a project like that. Fingers crossed you get a publishing deal so we can all have a read!. What's the name of your book?.


Its interesting to hear Nick Parkes studied in Sheff - I didn't know that. I'd like to work in some area related to children's illustration and Aardman's stuff is often quite inspiring. My kids love Wallace and Gromit.

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I was on the foundation course in 1980-81 and studied again for the HADAF course in the early 90's. Who were your tutors?. Did you come across Ed Mayer, Graham Bevan, Theo Cowdell and the like?. It all seems like such a long time ago now - but then I guess it is!!.


Can't say I completely enjoyed my time there, but it has a lot of memories for me and I geuss it'll be sad to see it go, if the relocation moves forward.


I was there on the same course in 80/81, remember all those people, especially Mr Graham Bevan as he kicked me off the course!! Do you remember the funny fat guy called CHETWYN BUTLER who sometimes taught history of art with Edward Meyer? Oh, that man had the strangest taste in clothes......


I enjoyed my time there, despite being kicked off for doing no work, as unfortunately as far as work was concerned the place was crawling with the most beautiful women in Sheffield at the time and I got rather distracted!!! Oh yes.....

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