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Psalter lane art college - the end

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as i said to **** a snob and picks on somebodys english u seem to have upset people because of your beloved ecclesall i lived up there for 24 years and i have opinion as well so go away and come back when you have a better attitude jerk

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Surely it must have occurred to you that many of the students are already, or will soon become, permanent residents of our suburbs?? Without the students who, every year, add to and increase the population of Sheffield, there would be a drop in the economy (yes, even reaching as far as the Ecclesall snobs!!) and the average age of a Sheffield resident would rise, before eventually dying altogether leaving a ghost town.


Slight exaggeration but you don't half p*** me off slagging students all the time! Surely you must have been one yourself at some point in order to have climbed the ladder enough to reach Ecclesall (but not yet Whirlow...) ;)


But I never said students didn't add to the economy did I? You've completely overlooked my point in order to have a dig at me. I said it would be better for the students and permanent residents if the students were concentrated in and around the town centre rather than spreading out into the suburbs. This is still in Sheffield! They'd still be living in Sheffield, they'd still be lowering the average age of Sheffield, they'd still be adding to the economy in Sheffield, and they'd still be free to move anywhere they like after graduating, Sheffield or elsewhere. This seems to be what the council is trying to achieve anyway, with the student village.


See, not really *that* controversial at all is it? You saw the "t020" by the post and you saw red rather than reading about, and thinking about, what I'd actually posted.

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as i said to **** a snob and picks on somebodys english u seem to have upset people because of your beloved ecclesall i lived up there for 24 years and i have opinion as well so go away and come back when you have a better attitude jerk


Erm, nope, still no good. Try again and I may be able to understand you. At the moment you're the internet equivalent of a rowdy and abusive drunk.

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Erm, nope, still no good. Try again and I may be able to understand you. At the moment you're the internet equivalent of a rowdy and abusive drunk.


Does being a patronising, sarcastic tw*t come naturally to you, or did you have to work at it?


Not everyone has perfect punctuation. The intent of the post is quite clear to all.

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But I never said students didn't add to the economy did I? You've completely overlooked my point in order to have a dig at me. I said it would be better for the students and permanent residents if the students were concentrated in and around the town centre rather than spreading out into the suburbs. This is still in Sheffield! They'd still be living in Sheffield, they'd still be lowering the average age of Sheffield, they'd still be adding to the economy in Sheffield, and they'd still be free to move anywhere they like after graduating, Sheffield or elsewhere. This seems to be what the council is trying to achieve anyway, with the student village.


See, not really *that* controversial at all is it? You saw the "t020" by the post and you saw red rather than reading about, and thinking about, what I'd actually posted.



still in sheffield but one key point to20 not in your back yard so u dont agree thats the area is vibrant when students are around yes im having a dig at you because obnoxoius and a typical snob

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no to20 i have spoke to u in chat and youre completley obnoxius so dont try and change the argument yes what u have to rememeber is psalter lane campus people very rarley come in to the main campus this is a fact as i have worked up there and spoke to people and some are actually not overalled by the idea of been moved to the city centre you said it you live further up snob


Come back to me when you've developed a better grasp of the English language - I may be able to understand you better.


thank you vert much.



the words, "hoist with his own petard" spring chortlingly to mind.

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Oh ye white rose !! - is that for the presidency of that bloated and cack-filled establishent called the Royal Academy- or just a cheer for a genius.


just a cheer for all artists, really :)


I'll have a look at the blog when I've got the kids to bed.


oh please do, and leave a comment! the jct blog with the reviews of tony hines' and damon waldock's work attracted a massive 180 visitors yesterday and thats amazing for a brand new blog! :) im well chuffed :)


I might dream of the 'Disasters of War' if I'm lucky tonight


just dont dream of "saturn eating his son", LOL!



Does being a patronising, sarcastic tw*t come naturally to you, or did you have to work at it?


Not everyone has perfect punctuation. The intent of the post is quite clear to all.



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi::love::hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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This week (Wed 31 May and Sat 3 June) we (the students) have organised two symposium days with some of the country's prominent artists, curators and cultural critics coming to speak around the themes of Institutions and Collaborative Curating ENTRY IS FREE, more information can be found on the-end-show.org (you will have to copy and paste it in to your browser as new members can't post URLs)


cheers THE END :) heres the direct link: http://www.the-end-show.org/index2.htm

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