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Psalter lane art college - the end

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It's not a case of them being "bad". Nearly all students stagger back from pubs and clubs late at night, I don't think anyone (including you) can deny that. Surely it makes more sense for ALL involved if they have less far to stagger and can do their staggering away from people who have to get up for work a few hours later?


To be fair, students aren't the only people who stagger about in a state of 'refined refreshment'. Are you advocating that ALL drunks are confined to the city centre and immediate environs for their residences? Thus ensuring all working people (none of whom live in the city centre at all) can get a peaceful sleep?


I staggered about a lot as a student (hic), and a lot since (haec), and I also had frustrating nights where I was trying to work in candlelight because the electric meter had no credit (stereotyopical, but true) when fellow students were 'refreshed' (hoc).


Are the noises of students at 4 in the morning in S11/17 any different to the needs of a person who lives in a less affluent/'desirable'*/commercial part of the city who needs rest?


"Nearly all students ........." That's a hell of a generalisation.


*this adjective could apply to historically more popular suburbs of Sheffield, more expensive areas, or just where people want to live.

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If the campus on Psalter Lane is closing then it's good news in my opinion. It's an eye sore and brings students dangerously close to Ecclesall. It's much better if Sheffield Hallam consolidates its campuses.


I wasn't going to reply directly to this post, but it has to be one of the most staggeringly obnoxious posts I have ever seen on any forum. So I shall. This is Little England at its worst.


You may as well put badges on people and tell them which camps to stay in. Apart from the BNP threads, I have never, ever seen such an offensive and preposterous statement on here. NIMBY isn't even vaguely close.

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The only intent of his post is to be insulting and foul mouthed. A bit of patronising in retaliation is a fairly mild response to such provocation.


I would have thought that for someone as condescending as yourself, you would merely rise above such 'provocation'.


This simply shows you for the troll you undoubtably are.

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its the white rose here: soz i posted this earlier as im using als computer in spain; forgot to log out as him, duh! :)


Luckly I have just finished my Degree at Psalter Lane, but when it moves it will be a real shame.....

Moving into a brand new unit just won't be the same - Psalter Lane is a place where art students can really express thier creative freedom - A degree in Fine Art needs freedom like this - ok the building itself is a little outdated but its a fab place to study art in, if you have never been to visit this building, i suggest people go and have a walk around and see what goes off in this place - no other degree subject can offer the greatness like Psalter Lane can.




absolutely and well put damon.


The place is great for the arts courses based there. It has the feel of a small college, and a high quality one at that. I studied at Jacob Kramer college in Leeds prior to moving to what was at the time Sheffield Polytechnic. It felt very similar to Kramer (now Leeds College of Art and Design) in that it was specialised to one particular genre - arts courses.

I heard about the move to the city campus some years back from one of my old lecturers who is still there. I felt then, as now, that it would really destroy the extra special experience you get at PL. I am sure the quality of the courses would still be top notch, but I bet the workshops would suffer some losses in either equipment or space.


I just feel sorry for the future generations of the students who will miss out on such a fun and unique experience. I am not normally a sentimental person, but I do think I would shed a tear on the day they pull down the building. It really would be the end of an era.


totally agree bibble. sheffield university is accutely conscious of its image and is pouring money into attracting students, and yet they are foolishly prising out one of the main jewels in their crown just because it's a bit crusty, instead of polishing it and putting it on display.


theres something about this whole thing that makes me feel queasy. someone, somewhere, is making a big mistake. imho.

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I would have thought that for someone as condescending as yourself, you would merely rise above such 'provocation'.


This simply shows you for the troll you undoubtably are.


And this post simply shows you the troll that YOU undoubtadly are.

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I wasn't going to reply directly to this post, but it has to be one of the most staggeringly obnoxious posts I have ever seen on any forum. So I shall. This is Little England at its worst.


You may as well put badges on people and tell them which camps to stay in. Apart from the BNP threads, I have never, ever seen such an offensive and preposterous statement on here. NIMBY isn't even vaguely close.


Talk about an over reaction.... if you read the rest of the thread you'll find I've explained that it's better for all concerned if student areas become more consolidated.

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To be fair, students aren't the only people who stagger about in a state of 'refined refreshment'. Are you advocating that ALL drunks are confined to the city centre and immediate environs for their residences? Thus ensuring all working people (none of whom live in the city centre at all) can get a peaceful sleep?


I staggered about a lot as a student (hic), and a lot since (haec), and I also had frustrating nights where I was trying to work in candlelight because the electric meter had no credit (stereotyopical, but true) when fellow students were 'refreshed' (hoc).


Are the noises of students at 4 in the morning in S11/17 any different to the needs of a person who lives in a less affluent/'desirable'*/commercial part of the city who needs rest?


"Nearly all students ........." That's a hell of a generalisation.


*this adjective could apply to historically more popular suburbs of Sheffield, more expensive areas, or just where people want to live.



It doesn't bother me directly because I live nowhere near any students. But surely it makes sense for all concerned if the student areas are more consolidated? Of course they'd be free to live where they wanted to, nobody can stop anybody doing that. But the university, by consolidating it's 3 campuses into the 2 nearest to the town centre, encourages the students to live nearby. This benefits the students because they are closer to their place of study and to all of the amenities that they like to frequent, and it benefits permanent residents further out of town, where they can enjoy not being woken up at 3am by students returning from clubs, as well as not having neglected houses (often the fault of the landlords) as neighbours.

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