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Blue British Passports

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Pretty good I'd say. We're just watching the mopping up exercise. The EU has the Polish crisis in its hands which seems to be proving the reason that the war needed winning.


That’s a strange way to measure the success of Brexit, by comparing us to the third-world Poles.


BoJo the Clown promised the EU could go whistle if they demanded a divorce payment.


How did that work out?


BoJo the Clown also promised countries would be queuing up to trade deals with us the day after Brexit.


Again, how’s that working out?


Brexit was supposed to take back control of our borders.


For the third time, how’s that working out?

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Calm down man, it's just Farage, he gets excited at the pulling of a pint. It's just a passport, no need to get jiggy over it with him.

theres been plenty in the comments sections of the articles that have, just because you dont doesnt mean nobody is

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That’s a strange way to measure the success of Brexit, by comparing us to the third-world Poles.


BoJo the Clown promised the EU could go whistle if they demanded a divorce payment.


How did that work out?


BoJo the Clown also promised countries would be queuing up to trade deals with us the day after Brexit.


Again, how’s that working out?


Brexit was supposed to take back control of our borders.


For the third time, how’s that working out?


Not a lot of people know this, but the First World is what we euphemistically now call the Developed World, the Second World is the Soviet Bloc and their subsidiaries (Cuba, etc) and the Third World is the rest, or the Developing Nations are we like to complement / patronise these days.


I'd say that Poland is First World these days by those old measures.


Otherwise, it's working out OK. Being out is the point, unless one really hasn't studied the EU's trajectory, in which case one might think it's good if one isn't a democrat, or happens to be a neoliberal with inward looking protectionist tendencies towards those who already hold power and wealth.


But we're all different, so some people are still skirmishing like Japanese soldiers who don't realise that the war is won.

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Not a lot of people know this, but the First World is what we euphemistically now call the Developed World, the Second World is the Soviet Bloc and their subsidiaries (Cuba, etc) and the Third World is the rest, or the Developing Nations are we like to complement / patronise these days.


I'd say that Poland is First World these days by those old measures.


Otherwise, it's working out OK. Being out is the point, unless one really hasn't studied the EU's trajectory, in which case one might think it's good if one isn't a democrat, or happens to be a neoliberal with inward looking protectionist tendencies towards those who already hold power and wealth.


But we're all different, so some people are still skirmishing like Japanese soldiers who don't realise that the war is won.


So basically, it’s not going as well as Sir Nige’ or BoJo the Clown led us to believe.



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So basically, it’s not going as well as Sir Nige’ or BoJo the Clown led us to believe.




Its going fine, but I wasn't clear earlier, it's Reminers who are skirmishing, just look at this thread. Blue passports by Jove!! It's not even a thing to get excited about, here we are, having to go back over all the same arguments they they can't get their head around.


As so many Remainers like to remind us, we've not left yet. The EU now has as many notty issues to address as the UK if it isn't to fall on hard times or worse.


The war is still won though.

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Its going fine, but I wasn't clear earlier, it's Reminers who are skirmishing, just look at this thread. Blue passports by Jove!! It's not even a thing to get excited about, here we are, having to go back over all the same arguments they they can't get their head around.


As so many Remainers like to remind us, we've not left yet. The EU now has as many notty issues to address as the UK if it isn't to fall on hard times or worse.


The war is still won though.


To be fair, the express and mail have been claiming "victory" over this for the past few days.


Like anyone anywhere gives a **** apart from the express and the mail.

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Its going fine, but I wasn't clear earlier, it's Reminers who are skirmishing, just look at this thread. Blue passports by Jove!! It's not even a thing to get excited about, here we are, having to go back over all the same arguments they they can't get their head around.


As so many Remainers like to remind us, we've not left yet. The EU now has as many notty issues to address as the UK if it isn't to fall on hard times or worse.


The war is still won though.


If you want a soft Brexit with a transition period then it couldn’t be going better.

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If you want a soft Brexit with a transition period then it couldn’t be going better.


I'm relatively relaxed about the whole thing so long as the end result is a complete exit from the EU institution and governance within a reasonable timeframe. Relaxed as in either as hard as concrete or as soft as marshmallow.

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Its going fine, but I wasn't clear earlier, it's Reminers who are skirmishing, just look at this thread. Blue passports by Jove!! It's not even a thing to get excited about, here we are, having to go back over all the same arguments they they can't get their head around.


As so many Remainers like to remind us, we've not left yet. The EU now has as many notty issues to address as the UK if it isn't to fall on hard times or worse.


The war is still won though.


It's a story that Brexiters couldn't get their heads around,even a Thathcherite has had to come out and tell them the story of how a passport changed from blue to red,and is going to change to blue again,without the fake news of the EU,or non EU membership being any factor in it.

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