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Why does the Council feel the need to enforce bus lanes on Xmas Day?

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I suppose SCC could always call Liverpool council and ask them how on earth they manage such a thing!


Nah mate, union rules innit? Not my job yer see. Ask Jack on the third, he deals with ideas. Mind you e's bin orf sick since October so you'll av to wait til he next in. You could put a chitty in. See Mabel, she does the the idea chitties.

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Guest makapaka
Hang on. Every contravention has to be reviewed, meaning that there is an option at that point to say "no, wasn't a real contravention".

But you can't imagine how every contravention on a given day would be ignored... Stop being so disingenuous.

It would make the job of the reviewer very easy wouldn't it. Don't watch video, just hit "reject" on every one for that day.

No cost to that, because the alternative is that the employee is there anyway, doing their usual job, actually reviewing the video's, which takes longer.


---------- Post added 20-02-2018 at 08:32 ----------



The why has been explained multiple times, and there are almost certainly many options for how. The majority of them automated and requiring little time or effort, but even the manual option being less effort than actually reviewing all the clips.

I suppose SCC could always call Liverpool council and ask them how on earth they manage such a thing!


You're also focusing on the adminstrative aspect of enforcement - and not the more important reasons for and against enforcing the bus lanes and the need to do so in the first place.

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Guest makapaka
We already established that there are no good reasons to enforce on a day when there is no public transport.


What about these reasons by Planner 1;


"I've explained in previous posts in this thread that some of the bus gates are not just there to give priority to buses and trams (see post #27). Some are there for traffic management / safety reasons. Some bus gates have no public transport running through them. They are just a means of controlling access.


It is not safe or desirable to send a message to motorists that it is ok to ignore enforceable restrictions that apply 24/7, just because it's Xmas day. The reasons for the restrictions being there are equally valid on that day and every other."

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Guest makapaka
We already established that there are no good reasons to enforce on a day when there is no public transport.


We’ve alsp established there’s no good reason to drive through a bus lane.

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Planner 1 gave a ridiculous example about an imaginary left turn death trap on the Wicker. Case most definitely not proven.


So you've carried out your own observations have you?


Well the Council have and they observed many drivers making a banned left turn across a live signalled pedestrian crossing, which is well used. There isn't any way of physically stopping the traffic movement, so they took the entirely reasonable action to significantly restrict the types of vehicles which could use that length of road in order to reduce the risk.


You have a rather callous disregard for the potentially tragic consequences of such actions.

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So you've carried out your own observations have you?


Well the Council have and they observed many drivers making a banned left turn across a live signalled pedestrian crossing, which is well used. There isn't any way of physically stopping the traffic movement, so they took the entirely reasonable action to significantly restrict the types of vehicles which could use that length of road in order to reduce the risk.


You have a rather callous disregard for the potentially tragic consequences of such actions.


Which one? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Wicker+Ln,+Sheffield+S3+8GZ/@53.3859537,-1.4626809,180a,35y,39.48t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x48797870bc228a17:0x98277832d232dd48!8m2!3d53.3882285!4d-1.4621777


Surely not the one into town with the two lane slip road because that would be a failure to design a competent highway.


Or is the other out of town direction, which is exactly the same as hundreds of other junctions around the city, again suggesting a failure of competent highway design, but this time even more worryingly.


Just how does the Wicker bus gate protect anyone from making an honest mistake rather than deliberately driving dangerously? Your example is risible, especially on Christmas Day.

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