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Why does the Council feel the need to enforce bus lanes on Xmas Day?

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Guest makapaka
Just where does this extra generated revenue go, understand that approx 41 thousand pounds was raised in fines from the one camera at intake..If the money was spent on maintaining the road structure I wouldn,t object so much, if it contributed in decreasing the council rates bill , which this year is at an increase of 5.99 per cent, that is on top of last years 2.99 percent, and dont forget to add on an additional £8 per house hold for the police and fire brigade.

I live in the intake area and have noticed the road drains blocked to the rim, no wonder the roads are in a treacherous state when it rains and freezers over..I am more of the opinion the 41k like all other raising of revenue goes to non descript projects or day i say it, to pay for a pay rise of the councilors concerned


If you (and others) drive road legal you can guarantee the amount of revenue will be £0.


It’s in yours and others complete control.


If you feel so strongly about the council receiving the £41k - campaign against people disobeying the laws instead.

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I haven't seen anything that anyone one here has said that has convincingly "refuted" the reasons I've put forward.


I've told you the exact reasons why the Council enforce.


You may not agree with them. You may not think they are good reasons. You may want to change what is happening now, but the reasons I've given are correct.


The simple fact is that the Council will continue to enforce on Xmas Day and Bank Holidays because it considers that it is the right thing to do. Councils are political organisations, if you don't like what they are doing and want it to change, tell your Councillors.

It's not confusing if you don't tell anyone. Just don't send out any fines for Christmas Day. No one will know, no one will get confused. Those in charge can then sit back and relax on Christmas Day evening with a war fussy feeling inside for their good deed. You never know, it may even get them off the naughty list (though I doubt it).


Aaaand, youv'e still to explain why Sheffield doesn't descend into carnage and mayhem on a weekend when most bus lanes arn't in operation...

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It's not confusing if you don't tell anyone. Just don't send out any fines for Christmas Day. No one will know, no one will get confused. Those in charge can then sit back and relax on Christmas Day evening with a war fussy feeling inside for their good deed. You never know, it may even get them off the naughty list (though I doubt it).


Aaaand, youv'e still to explain why Sheffield doesn't descend into carnage and mayhem on a weekend when most bus lanes arn't in operation...


Tried going down Eccy/Abbeydale Road on a Saturday afternoon recently have you?


Like Makapaka says, don't break the law, don't get fined - simples. We don't get to pick and choose the laws we don't like and those we do.

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Because they are the only two bus lanes in Sheffield? There are plenty of bus lanes that I drive in on a regular basis with complete legality. The argument that not fining bus lane transgressions on Xmas day will lead to carnage on our roads is a spurious one and easily dismissed.

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Guest makapaka
Because they are the only two bus lanes in Sheffield? There are plenty of bus lanes that I drive in on a regular basis with complete legality. The argument that not fining bus lane transgressions on Xmas day will lead to carnage on our roads is a spurious one and easily dismissed.


The argument that fining bus lane transgressions on Xmas day is unfair is also a spurious one and easily dismissed.

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It's not confusing if you don't tell anyone. Just don't send out any fines for Christmas Day. No one will know, no one will get confused. Those in charge can then sit back and relax on Christmas Day evening with a war fussy feeling inside for their good deed. You never know, it may even get them off the naughty list (though I doubt it).


Aaaand, youv'e still to explain why Sheffield doesn't descend into carnage and mayhem on a weekend when most bus lanes arn't in operation...

These days with the advent of more transparency, FOI requests etc, it isn't possible to do things without telling anyone.


I suspect that any decision taken not to enforce bus lanes / gates on a given day would need to be an executive decision ( normally taken by a Cabinet Member in Sheffield) which are published and often reported in the press. The decision to give free parking at Christmas follows this process.


I have never contended that there might be carnage when bus lanes aren't in operation.


I've stated that some bus gates are there for safety and traffic management reasons. Those are 24/7 restrictions.


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 14:00 ----------


If it goes to the local council, then I would assume it goes into their central pot of money, and thats exactly where it should go.


No, it doesn't. It goes into a ringfenced account which has to be put to a lawful use defined in section 36 of The Bus Lane Contraventions (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2005

See: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/2757/regulation/36/made


This defines the allowed uses as:

(b) meeting costs incurred, whether by the authority or by some other person, in the provision or operation of, or of facilities for, public passenger transport services; and



© the purposes of a highway improvement project in the authority’s area.


(7) For the purposes of paragraph (6)©, a highway improvement project means a project connected with the carrying out by the appropriate highway authority (whether the approved local authority or not) of any operation which constitutes the improvement (within the meaning of the Highways Act 1980) of a highway.


In Sheffield the uses it's put to are:


The operation, management and maintenance of the camera

enforcement system – including the costs of issuing PCNs


The operational and planned maintenance of public transport

facilities (including signing and lining associated with bus lanes,

bus gates and bus stops) or providing new public transport



The provision of safety features within the highway, specifically

including footways, refuges and guardrails


Metalling (surfacing) and draining of public highways – which

could lead to an improved surface on sections of the Rights of

Way network

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These days with the advent of more transparency, FOI requests etc, it isn't possible to do things without telling anyone.


I suspect that any decision taken not to enforce bus lanes / gates on a given day would need to be an executive decision ( normally taken by a Cabinet Member in Sheffield) which are published and often reported in the press. The decision to give free parking at Christmas follows this process.


I have never contended that there might be carnage when bus lanes aren't in operation.


I've stated that some bus gates are there for safety and traffic management reasons. Those are 24/7 restrictions.


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 14:00 ----------



No, it doesn't. It goes into a ringfenced account which has to be put to a lawful use defined in section 36 of The Bus Lane Contraventions (Penalty Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2005

See: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/2757/regulation/36/made


This defines the allowed uses as:

(b) meeting costs incurred, whether by the authority or by some other person, in the provision or operation of, or of facilities for, public passenger transport services; and



© the purposes of a highway improvement project in the authority’s area.


(7) For the purposes of paragraph (6)©, a highway improvement project means a project connected with the carrying out by the appropriate highway authority (whether the approved local authority or not) of any operation which constitutes the improvement (within the meaning of the Highways Act 1980) of a highway.


In Sheffield the uses it's put to are:


The operation, management and maintenance of the camera

enforcement system – including the costs of issuing PCNs


The operational and planned maintenance of public transport

facilities (including signing and lining associated with bus lanes,

bus gates and bus stops) or providing new public transport



The provision of safety features within the highway, specifically

including footways, refuges and guardrails


Metalling (surfacing) and draining of public highways – which

could lead to an improved surface on sections of the Rights of

Way network


Well I for one am happy with that explanation, the more people committing offences, the more income for good uses. With only those not able to comply becoming the losers. Its a win win.

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These days with the advent of more transparency, FOI requests etc, it isn't possible to do things without telling anyone.


I suspect that any decision taken not to enforce bus lanes / gates on a given day would need to be an executive decision ( normally taken by a Cabinet Member in Sheffield) which are published and often reported in the press. The decision to give free parking at Christmas follows this process.

So, how many people is Sheffield do you think would hear of it. Not many. And if they did , so what? You can still fine them on any bank holidays that they transgress on.


I have never contended that there might be carnage when bus lanes aren't in operation.


I've stated that some bus gates are there for safety and traffic management reasons. Those are 24/7 restrictions.

You stated that restrictions on bus lanes on Xmas day couldn't be removed because it would result in some idiot getting confused, driving though a bus gate and killing someone. You have yet to explain why this doesn't happen on Saturdays and Sundays so, off you go, explain...


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 15:34 ----------


The argument that fining bus lane transgressions on Xmas day is unfair is also a spurious one and easily dismissed.

Then you should find it easy to do so, yet you haven't. One wonders why...

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