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Jerusalem the new capital of Israel, what difference will it make?

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Trump has done what other USA presidents never got around to doing, by stating the USA now recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. But what difference will it make?


People cannot really see into the future. Predictions are based on expectations grounded in old fashioned habits. If you don't know, wait patiently and see what happens.

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Trump has done what other USA presidents never got around to doing, by stating the USA now recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. But what difference will it make?

1. Jerusalem is not 'the new capital of Israel'. It has always been Israel's capital.

2. So what makes one city the capital of a country? Simply that country's own decision- not what other countries want or don't want.

3. Mr Trump's comments merely echo those of George Bush II, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama- all said explicitly, in public speeches, that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

4. And so does the USA Senate- for many years, the law has recognised Jerusalem's status, albeit that there has been a biannual waiver re shifting the USA embassy from Tel Aviv.

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Nobody knows? Much of what happens will be down to the response of the Palestinians & the Arab world, once the embassy is actually located in Jerusalem.


Although it's one thing for Trump to order the US embassy to be in Jerusalem, it'll be another thing to be a member of staff having to work there & having to live in the area. This will have to be one of the most protected & secure buildings on the planet but if Trump's decision might move the peace process on.


However on such matters, I'm reminded of a statement I read years ago that said, if the Palestinians gave up their arms tomorrow, there would be peace but if the Israelis gave up there arms, there would be bloodshed.

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Nobody knows? Much of what happens will be down to the response of the Palestinians & the Arab world, once the embassy is actually located in Jerusalem.


Although it's one thing for Trump to order the US embassy to be in Jerusalem, it'll be another thing to be a member of staff having to work there & having to live in the area. This will have to be one of the most protected & secure buildings on the planet but if Trump's decision might move the peace process on.


However on such matters, I'm reminded of a statement I read years ago that said, if the Palestinians gave up their arms tomorrow, there would be peace but if the Israelis gave up there arms, there would be bloodshed.


That statement you read seems to be a load of crap. The Palestinians don't have any arms, they throw stones or ****ty rockets that land nowhere.

Israel continues to build settlements on Palestinian land to expand its state and the Palestinians can do nothing about it. They try the diplomatic route of the UN but Israel and the US just ignore that.

Both sides are a bunch of dicks. Just one bunch of dicks has hi tech weaponry

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if the Palestinians gave up their arms tomorrow, there would be peace.

Or, for that matter, they could make peace and a good living too by using all that concrete etc. which the EU funds; they could build not tunnels (bombers, for the use of ) but hotels and holiday resorts (profitable tourists, for the use of)!

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That statement you read seems to be a load of crap. The Palestinians don't have any arms, they throw stones or ****ty rockets that land nowhere.

Israel continues to build settlements on Palestinian land to expand its state and the Palestinians can do nothing about it. They try the diplomatic route of the UN but Israel and the US just ignore that.

Both sides are a bunch of dicks. Just one bunch of dicks has hi tech weaponry


I'll give you that all the world generally sees in the media are stone throwing Palestinians but these are backed by, (& draw their supporters & combatants / suicide bombers from the same stone throwers), Fatah, Hamas & Hizbollah.


While all are / have political parties & Fatah, (Sunni) is today considered more moderate than it once was, Hamas, (Sunni & primarily funded by Qatar), Hizbollah, (Shia, funded many by Iran), all have declared their aim is the destruction of Israel, with only Fatah stopping short of the call for genocide of the Jews currently in Israel.


Hardly a starting point for peace talks or power sharing of the land?


Ironically, as Fatah is considered a 'moderate' at present, they receive backing from the US & the EU.

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Israel is built on land stolen from Palestinians and Israel is regarded under international law as an occoupying force. The Palestinians have a lawful right to resist that occupation and I would like to see how those defending Israelis occoupation would react if they got turfed out of their home by people claiming God promised them that home.

When is Australia going to be given back to the Aboriginis and When is Amerca going to be given back to the Native Indians?

Peace will never come to Israel due to the way it abuses Palestinians.....

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Israel is built on land stolen from Palestinians and Israel is regarded under international law as an occoupying force. The Palestinians have a lawful right to resist that occupation and I would like to see how those defending Israelis occoupation would react if they got turfed out of their home by people claiming God promised them that home.

When is Australia going to be given back to the Aboriginis and When is Amerca going to be given back to the Native Indians?

Peace will never come to Israel due to the way it abuses Palestinians.....


Australia and America, with regard to their 1st nations, are at peace.

It may take some time but like invaders of England, (Saxons, Normans, Vikings) assimilation does eventually take place and we are all culturally richer for it.

Same for immigrants but without the same degree of violence.

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