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Jerusalem the new capital of Israel, what difference will it make?

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Interesting article by Robert Fisk titled “ How long after this week's Gaza massacre are we going to continue pretending that the Palestinians are non-people?”




---------- Post added 18-05-2018 at 00:00 ----------


If Hamas stopped launching rockets from school playgrounds into Israel you'd have the makings of a point. But they haven't and you don't.


How many shekels are you getting for repeating the Zionist propaganda like a good little has bars troll?

Do Palestinian lives not count for anything?


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Yes the state of Israel was established in 1948 and Jewish people were around for centuries before Israel was formed. It was you who said the Jewish people had only occupied Jerusalem for decades, which is wrong.


In early 16th century, Jerusalem was largely Muslim, but gradually gained Jewish and Christian populations - giving rise to the still existing division of the Old City of Jerusalem to Christian, Armenian, Jewish and Muslim Quarters.


Since mid-19th century Jews had become the largest group in Jerusalem, which continued into British Mandate period and until the 1948 war.


The rejection of the "Right of return" after the 1948 and 1967 wars is motivated by the intention to maintain a Jewish majority, in Israel as well as in Jerusalem.

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How many shekels are you getting for repeating the Zionist propaganda like a good little has bars troll?

Do Palestinian lives not count for anything?



It is the simple truth. Hamas is responsible for those deaths. It is akin to suicide by police.


Please don't try to use "Zionist" as an insult with me. I fully support Irsael's right to exist as an independent nation, as I do a Palestinian state. You may wish to check what Zionism is because to you might find that you are a Zionist too.

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It is the simple truth. Hamas is responsible for those deaths. It is akin to suicide by police.



The Israel army shot those people dead. They weren't a threat to life and limb.


---------- Post added 18-05-2018 at 06:56 ----------


Israel isn't at war, it is defending itself with remarkable Western style restraint.


You think killing 60 unarmed civilians shows 'remarkable restraint'?



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The Israel army shot those people dead. They weren't a threat to life and limb.


---------- Post added 18-05-2018 at 06:56 ----------



You think killing 60 unarmed civilians shows 'remarkable restraint'?



You and I both know that Hamas's avowed intent is to do to Israel what Israel won't do to them - to exterminate the nation of Israel. Israelis could wipe Palestinians off the map but time and time again they don't, even while Hamas fire rockets at Israeli civilians from Palestinian schoolyards.


So yes , they showed remarkable (albeit their usual) restraint in the face of an armed invasion force of tens of thousands at the border fence. The kind of restraint only possible to a nation that could bring F16's to bear on the protesters at a moment's notice is they so wished.

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You and I both know that Hamas's avowed intent is to do to Israel what Israel won't do to them - to exterminate the nation of Israel. Israelis could wipe Palestinians off the map but time and time again they don't, even while Hamas fire rockets at Israeli civilians from Palestinian schoolyards.


So yes , they showed remarkable (albeit their usual) restraint in the face of an armed invasion force of tens of thousands at the border fence. The kind of restraint only possible to a nation that could bring F16's to bear on the protesters at a moment's notice is they so wished.


If you think soldiers with automatic weapons, behind a secure fence, killing civilians armed only with stones and posing no immediate risk to life or limb is justifiable, I repeat my assertion that you are morally insane.

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If you think soldiers with automatic weapons, behind a secure fence, killing civilians armed only with stones and posing no immediate risk to life or limb is justifiable, I repeat my assertion that you are morally insane.


Attacking armed policemen/soldiers, especially at country's borders, and expecting not getting hurt/killed is insane.

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


Yes, your desperately poor attempts to justify the slaughter of men, women and children who have the temerity to protest at the many injustices wrought upon them are truly 'oh dear'.

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Yes, your desperately poor attempts to justify the slaughter of men, women and children who have the temerity to protest at the many injustices wrought upon them are truly 'oh dear'.


I support a peaceful two state solution but I find it impossible to defend an organisation or state that wants to achieve its aims by firing rockets at civilians from schoolyards, or sends an army of fighters and civilians to the secure and armed border of a sovereign state. You seem fine with it, as is your right.


I am biting my tongue quite hard but please keep wagging yours. Sunlight is still the best disinfectant for awful opinions, especially antisemitism.

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