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Jerusalem the new capital of Israel, what difference will it make?

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my bold=

Where is the proof they were all Hamas?

Was the small baby who died also Hamas?:rolleyes:



Oh come on, you should know me better by now than to ask such a daft question in the vain hope that I am lying for the first time ever.


Hamas Politburo member Salah Bardaweil said so.


The baby? Inhaled the tear gas that people above think is preferable to bullets. Personally I wouldn't have taken my child to an invasion, but I suppose we don't all share the same standards.

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Oh come on, you should know me better by now than to ask such a daft question in the vain hope that I am lying for the first time ever.


Hamas Politburo member Salah Bardaweil said so.


The baby? Inhaled the tear gas that people above think is preferable to bullets. Personally I wouldn't have taken my child to an invasion, but I suppose we don't all share the same standards.


It was a protest! It was Israeli that did the invading!......

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It was a protest! .


it's a synchonised assault on Israel and the Israelis by a terrorist group, spearheaded by Hamas terrorist killers. Anybody who takes part and is injured or killed, they or their families will be paid, and everybody involved knows that. They will also get paid bonuses by Hamas for killing or especially kidnapping Israelis. If somebody manages to kidnap an Israeli, they've hit the jackpot - they get get paid much more, than if they just kill one.


This is not like a protest against the cuts outside Barnsley Town Hall.

Edited by blake
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Its simple. We all live in 1 world. For centuries man has moved around and supposedly taken over other lands. The aboriginies argue that Australia is theres, then there's the maori, then South Africa etc the list goes on and on.


The problem here is that islam is an aggressive teritorial obsessed religion that looks to impose its will at all costs. People forget that the Jews were massively persecuted in WW2. GIVE THEM A BREAK. They also forget the Jews have claims to bethlehem Jerusalem etc to way back when. I am not Jewish but I can view the situation impartially. People need to stop crying and moaning about err errr its my land its my land. Its 1 world we ALL have to live here and stop this territorial sabre rattling. And as mentioned who was protesting, jumping up and down, kicking off again.

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Its simple. We all live in 1 world. For centuries man has moved around and supposedly taken over other lands. The aboriginies argue that Australia is theres, then there's the maori, then South Africa etc the list goes on and on.


The problem here is that islam is an aggressive teritorial obsessed religion that looks to impose its will at all costs. People forget that the Jews were massively persecuted in WW2. GIVE THEM A BREAK. They also forget the Jews have claims to bethlehem Jerusalem etc to way back when. I am not Jewish but I can view the situation impartially. People need to stop crying and moaning about err errr its my land its my land. Its 1 world we ALL have to live here and stop this territorial sabre rattling. And as mentioned who was protesting, jumping up and down, kicking off again.


My bold=

What a load of crap! :rolleyes:

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I do agree actually that when somebody mentions Islam in Israel/Palestine topics, it's a sure sign that they have little comprehension of the Israel/Palestine issue.


Fundamentalist Islam has a lot to do with Hamas, in fact EVERYTHING to do with Hamas, but even if Hamas did not exist, there would still be the Israel!Palestine issue. Many Palestinians are not even Muslims at all. That doesn't mean they do not oppose Israel - they very likely will. It does however mean that Christian Palestinians are less likely to be the crazed Hamas terrorists of the kind stoking up all this trouble.


Israel/Palestine isn't between Judaism and Islam and religion is only secondary in the mix and a long way behind too. Israel/Palestine is not a religious issue. It's an ethnic/tribal type issue between Jews, and Arabs.

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The problem here is that islam is an aggressive teritorial obsessed religion that looks to impose its will at all costs.


The problem here is that two countries have territorial border issues; and the international community is split; the the USA always on the side of the Israelis, what ever they do.

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