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Crystal Bar - reopened after NYE stabbings

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I'd also noticed that about Carver Steer. Avoid at night, I'd say


Seems like a sick joke that people are getting attacked by knives on a street called Carver St. Sad times indeed. I do remember a law in force in the 50's concerning switch blade(flick) knives, but don't think the penalties were that severe. There was a story going around in my locale where one of the wannabe teddy boys on the next street had one confiscated at school and it was reported to the police. When a bobby came with the summons, the lad was throwing a knife at the coal house door lol. He got a hell of a good hiding from his dad, who had to pay his fine.

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I don't have to. I might get refused entry into a nightclub or something (and that's their right to do so) and I can't carry anything with a blade on a plane, but the old Bill can't arrest me for minding my own business carrying a sub 3 inch non locking knife as long as I'm not waving it about like a loon.


But if you are right there will be loads of court reports of people caught carrying a Swiss army knife (despite Cameron saying the law wouldn't prosecute people carrying pocket knives like that) right?


yes, still though, this part of the debate is still shying away from real issues. Every law in existence is because of a moron, and as laws change, so do the morons. Morons aren't stupid! :hihi:


The public at large will shout [and do], if things like this become large scale, start to 'demand things'. Even if every pub and club spent thousands on metal detectors, these people will just use something else. Jails are pretty tight and still they can get pretty much anything in, so what chance have clubs.

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yes, still though, this part of the debate is still shying away from real issues. Every law in existence is because of a moron, and as laws change, so do the morons. Morons aren't stupid! :hihi:


The public at large will shout [and do], if things like this become large scale, start to 'demand things'. Even if every pub and club spent thousands on metal detectors, these people will just use something else. Jails are pretty tight and still they can get pretty much anything in, so what chance have clubs.


True enough. They could ban anyone carrying any blade anywhere. You could stab someone with a screwdriver or a ball point pen, or a broken bottle.


And people will still carry a weapon they can pick up at a pound shop. Unless we ban knives in their entirety altogether. Which we can't.


We have laws banning the killing of people. Let's really enforce that one. 60 years no parole rather than 15 years then out in 8 nonsense.

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Flannel. I carry knife (folding, non locking sub 3 inches) every day pretty much. If we met do you think I'd try and kill you? It's not the knives that are the problem per se it's the urge that some sections of society have where they feel the need to kill somebody over a spilt pint.


But the type of knife you carry is not illegal. If you have a genuine reason to carry a knife, like a tradesmen in the course of his work, then you don’t have a problem. But if you’re caught carrying a kitchen knife stuffed down your sock or trousers into a nightclub or bar for no legitimate reason, then that’s a different matter all together.

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i dont need to explain.


no one ever has to explain to a policeman why you are NOT breaking a law.


sorry office i am doing no wrong. enjoy your donut. goodbye.



also. for curiosity. as a 53yr old man with no arrests or police activity in my life. why on earth would i ever have to be talking to a policeman anyway unless i was reporting a crime.


I totally agree with you. Why would a police officers attention be drawn to you if you were acting as a decent citizen, having never come to their attention before.

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banning the implement like knives and guns wont stop the idiots and those hell bent on causing someone harm, a harmless biro pen can inflict horrific injuries to an eye or neck its the idiots that need clamping down on zero tolerance, even if they look likely to cause trouble in club ban entry.

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afraid not




The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and an unlimited fine. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife more than once.




Since you can legally carry a knife, there is clearly no mandatory sentence for carrying one.

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My work takes me to various nightspots and yes, I carry a multitool - with a knife.


But now you're putting caveats in. Can carry one for work as I'm less likely to kill you while I'm on the clock? I've normally got one on my keys. It gets used for all sorts of things, some days it doesn't get used at all. I carried one round Morrisons the other day. Do you think other shoppers were at risk?


Be careful many mulitools knives are classed as locking knives and so illegal to carry, some one got prosecuted for having one in his car when stopped by police. No doubt i will get the usual o no they didn't sf pantominers so i had better start searching for a link now.

In the old days a clubbing with the wheel brace was the method of choice but they were never banned.

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