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The 'Cowshed' on Ecclesall Rd, any opinions or experiences?


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Just wondered what everyone else thought of this place.:)


---------- Post added 02-01-2018 at 10:04 ----------


Well I think it's aptly named, I really didn't reckon much AT ALL to it. I was hoping to have my birthday meal there, but I left very promptly !

Edited by AmberLeaf
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It was the atmosphere that put me off. Granted, it was a Friday evening, and there's usually less than desirables about. But even so. I found it to be full of pretentious people, and the staff came across as dillweeds just pandering to there every need. Im no where near rough, but I'm not a complete twit. And that place had far to many for my liking.

Edited by AmberLeaf
Please replace the 'i' with an 'a' in twit.
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I'm not sure if you dislike pretentious people or undesirables or if you consider them to be one in the same. Service staff doing servicing seems like a decent plan to me. I'm lost.


I don't like either. What I also don't like is being pushed in front of, and them getting served first. Anyway, I took my drink outside, waited for my mate, and left. I won't be going in again . I can see why it's called graze inn, because it's a herd of cows.

Edited by AmberLeaf
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I have been for food there once and it wouldn't be my choice if I ever went there again.


Do you often get forced into going places for a meal?


---------- Post added 11-01-2018 at 08:29 ----------


That's nice to here. My mate and I were going to have a meal, but I didn't hang around that long. Went to Pizza Express instead to eat.



I thought your comment about "pretentious" people was interesting.


The definition of a pretentious person is someone who is trying to be something they're not.


So, to label someone as "pretentious" you'd have to know them and know what they are about, otherwise you couldn't possible know they were being "pretentious".


I suspect you've made a judgement there, based on the way someone looks, speaks, acts, or dresses? Nothing wrong with that tbh - we all do that, whether we are conscious of it or not. The only problem is, it's often not very accurate.


Did you know that when someone goes, for example, to an interview, the interviewer will form an impression, positive or otherwise, within the first 20 seconds or so, sometimes even before the other person has opened their mouth. They will then spend the rest of the time looking for confirmation of their initial impression.


Have you heard of "transference?" This is when someone forms an impression, or opinion, favourably or otherwise, of someone because that person reminds them of another person that they like/dislike.


I remember driving along listening to the radio and I was getting quite irritated with the presenter's voice to the point of switching the thing off in annoyance. When I reflected on why I'd done that, it wasn't because the music was bad, it wasn't because of what the guy was saying - it was because his voice reminded me of another guy at work some years ago who I really could not stand. I wasn't even consciously aware that he reminded me of this other guy at the time. All I know is, I was finding it very irritating.


On another forum I read some comments a while ago about some football fan who had met one of the Director's of his local football club. His comments were along the lines of:


"I don't normally like people in suits, but he was alright"


So, you see, people will judge other people even on things like this, whether they are wearing a matching jacket and trousers!


I must admit, I don't think I'd bother with any of the joints on Ecclesall Road on a Friday night. It's not because of the pretentious people, it's just because I don't particularly like crowded noisy places.


Apart from Bramall lane! :)


Anyhow, the main point of my message is, you may just need to question your own judgement about how you see other people? You could be missing out on meeting some very nice folk, who just happen to appear different to you?


But assuming you are right about them being pretentious - then my advice would be - don't go in the Pointing Dog - they're even worse in there!:hihi:

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Yes , I was making an assumption, on the way they were acting. Your post made for very interesting reading. And, no , I don't no them personally, as I don't have any pretentious friends. I still say the place was full of <removed> who were so up their own bum, I'm supprised they can walk. And no, I won't be going in pointing dog, even if do follow me on Instagram . Not if it's like that .


---------- Post added 12-01-2018 at 22:26 ----------


Yes , I was making an assumption, on the way they were acting. Your post made for very interesting reading. And, no , I don't no them personally, as I don't have any pretentious friends. I still say the place was full of <removed> who were so up their own bum, I'm supprised they can walk. And no, I won't be going in pointing dog, even if do follow me on Instagram . Not if it's like that .


*****, sorry I meant *****. At least they're all in one place, so I know where to avoid them, and pointing dog. Thanks for thàt.


---------- Post added 17-01-2018 at 08:14 ----------


Burt and Bernie behind the bar might have well as sang this :


One Of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)

One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong,

Can you tell which thing is not like the others

By the time I finish my song?

Edited by nikki-red
masked swearing
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes , I was making an assumption, on the way they were acting. Your post made for very interesting reading. And, no , I don't no them personally, as I don't have any pretentious friends. I still say the place was full of <removed> who were so up their own bum, I'm supprised they can walk. And no, I won't be going in pointing dog, even if do follow me on Instagram . Not if it's like that .


---------- Post added 12-01-2018 at 22:26 ----------



*****, sorry I meant *****. At least they're all in one place, so I know where to avoid them, and pointing dog. Thanks for thàt.


---------- Post added 17-01-2018 at 08:14 ----------


Burt and Bernie behind the bar might have well as sang this :


One Of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)

One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong,

Can you tell which thing is not like the others

By the time I finish my song?


I love your reply btw! Made me laugh out loud! :D


Right, time to get my silk shirt and white trousers on and get down the Pointing Dog I reckon!

Edited by nikki-red
masked swearing
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