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Violence: what can we do about it?

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If fewer people believed in religion I tend to think the world would be less violent.


Not really. The people I see at church are far from violent.


How many of those who stabbed all those people last year were regular churchgoers?


Perhaps you mean using religion as an excuse for countries to wage war?

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Does that make you violent? Can't you have political discourse without violence?


We probably are less violent. We're more snide though. Comments on here, and other forums/comments are so needlessly mean it makes me sad then want to go out punch someone.


There has been more fear of foreigners since the build up to the referendum. Politics does make a difference, all those foreigners, they are just like you and me.

The number of hate crimes in England and Wales has increased by 29%, according to Home Office statistics.



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Not really. The people I see at church are far from violent.

You realise that this is a anecdote, and a hugely weak anecdote at that.

The behaviour you see 'at church' is almost certainly not how they behave all the time. Nor are the cross section of people you see at church representative of all people who believe in something religious.


How many of those who stabbed all those people last year were regular churchgoers?

This isn't even close to being a definition of believing in a religion. Church is a specifically Christian place to worship, there are plenty of other buildings for other religions, and of course attending a building is not required to believe.


Perhaps you mean using religion as an excuse for countries to wage war?


Or perhaps it really is a huge source of conflict.

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We're naturally tribal aren't we, and tribes compete for resources.

There's an optimum size for a human 'tribe' beyond which the brain doesn't treat members in the same way.




Approx 150 is the optimum size for human communities.

That was my point, I just couldn't be bothered to find a link. The solution then seems to be quite simple, reduce the human population down to 150 individuals.


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 10:52 ----------


Mmmm... While I appreciate your point of view, and share it to some extent, I can't help being reminded of the quote; 'All it takes for bad men to prosper, is for good men to do nothing.'


And therein lies the dilemma.


But then again Ghandi managed to change a continent peacefully, with non-violent passive resistance.

Just a shame that independence brought with it the displacement of 14 million people from there homes into refugee camps etc and the death of around 2 million...

Edited by barleycorn
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But I'm not, and I doubt you are either. Nor most people. That's my point. We just want to quietly get on with our lives. So who is? Who is causing all the world's agro?


If you look at how humanity treats animals, then the majority of apparently peaceful people are complicit in abuse beyond imagination. 90 billion living beings a year are imprisoned, violated, have bits cut off them and then executed, in huge industrial processes, tucked very much away, out of sight and out of mind.


Maybe if humans could treat other species with respect, then there would be a chance they'd treat other humans with respect too?

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If someone is punching you in the face, or stabbing you, it's hard to be at peace.


I'm not equating being at peace with doing nothing. Clearly you need to respond appropriately and effectively to any attack.


I'm talking about your internal state rather than what you're actually doing. So, you can be at peace (calm) within, while defending yourself and stopping an attacker. One could argue that the more angry and emotional you become, the less able you are to think rationally and be effective in your response to an attack.


I agree though, it's not easy to remain calm when under (any kind of) attack.

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also this is an interesting picture on the subject of violent psychopaths



The brain scan showing normal brain activity compared to someone with psychopathic tendencies. The picture on the right reveals low activity in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, an area associated with empathy and restraint.


more and more people seem to display a lack of empathy to me, specially people of a more right wing nature, who also seem to be the ones that indulge in one upmanship of speaking about what theyd like to do with people.

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