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Violence: what can we do about it?

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I havent responded to any of your posts.


And now you're replying to a comment that was to L00b, and in fact used his name to make it clear. :huh:


---------- Post added 06-01-2018 at 10:12 ----------


No, my contention was -and remains- that society designs itself (evolves its moral, behavioural, <etc.> standards) constantly, governments in and of themselves just formalise society's design (and changes to same) as legal codification (and updates to same).


So long as that remains the case, there is no authoritarianism involved. When that ceases to be case, corresponds to authoritarianism.

Education no doubt helped it.

Well, I agree with the first premise. But I think that governments also continuously take deliberate action to modify society. And I think this is correct. We elect them to run the country, and acting in the best interests of the citizens is part of that. So for example, discouraging smoking through the use of educational campaigns and taxation is a legitimate and not authoritarian behaviour of government, IMO.

Will do so and thanks for the suggestion. In the meantime, I'll reciprocate with a passing reference to Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, of which I was reminded earlier today :)


I shall look that up.


---------- Post added 06-01-2018 at 10:13 ----------


He said I didn't agree with his posts. I never commented on them.


No I didn't, not unless you're called L00b.

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He said I didn't agree with his posts. I never commented on them.


Anything else I need to run past you?


You're either very confused, or delusional. Quote the post where Cyclone says he doesn't agree with your posts.

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Guest makapaka
Football hooliganism seems to have improved a lot since the 70s and 80s.


How was that achieved?


Can we learn from that and apply it in different contexts?


It was just policed more effectively and with significant deterrents in terms of custodial sentences etc.


The demographic of supporter ls also a lot different to that in the past.

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