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Another Billion Pound London Station

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Yet another billion quid spent on a London Train Station, - seems to be the going rate for London Stations.




I think when they did Sheffield they scraped together a whopping £30millionish.


I'm just astounded that this kind of money is still 'found' for anything as long as it is in London. I know I shouldn't be but the two finger slaute this sends to the rest of the country is unreal!

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"An initial aim for 24 trains an hour to run through the station by the end of 2018 was recently pushed back to December 2019."


Surely you dont need as many as 15 platforms to achieve this? How many are bay platforms?


Marble walls and jewel encrusted floors dont come cheap you know!!

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Politicians who make these decisions are so out of touch with ordinary people. They need to get out more and see what life is like beyond Westminster.


Didn't David Cameron suggest moving cabinet meetings around the country? I think it lasted for one meeting...


If the houses of Parliament has to close for repairs, surely this would be a good time to revive the idea.

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Yet another billion quid spent on a London Train Station, - seems to be the going rate for London Stations.




I think when they did Sheffield they scraped together a whopping £30millionish.


I'm just astounded that this kind of money is still 'found' for anything as long as it is in London. I know I shouldn't be but the two finger slaute this sends to the rest of the country is unreal!


Not really. For starters, where the hell are you going to find 96 mil people who want to visit Sheffield. If South Yorkshire generated as much money for the UK economy as London, I am sure Sheffield station will get an upgrade.

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Not really. For starters, where the hell are you going to find 96 mil people who want to visit Sheffield. If South Yorkshire generated as much money for the UK economy as London, I am sure Sheffield station will get an upgrade.


It’s had an upgrade. Problem is the lines to other major cities in the north haven’t been upgraded. They’re a joke.


For the cost of upgrading one station in London, massive improvements could be made to northern rail infrastructure. You could use the same arguments for the midlands, for Scotland, Wales, the North East.


Just think about this next time you’re on an antique diesel pacer train to Hull, Leeds, Huddersfield etc...

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Not really. For starters, where the hell are you going to find 96 mil people who want to visit Sheffield. If South Yorkshire generated as much money for the UK economy as London, I am sure Sheffield station will get an upgrade.


This is a false prophecy and has been debunked by countless economists.


A billion invested in London appears to be more cost-effective, but the cumulative potential of investment in the North is underrated enormously, meaning that if that money goes here instead it will generate a bigger net return than if invested in London.

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