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I hate trampolines

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I have to say, I'm not a fan of trampolines. The neighbor kitty corner behind us has had one for the past 3-4 years. The lots where we live are pretty big, so they have plenty of room, but they also put the thing as far from THEIR house as they possibly could. Which means it's closer to OUR house, than theirs. Which means that we, and the woman next door, get to listen to all the screaming, yelling, fighting, and general drama that goes along with 5 kids under 12. Yes. They have 5 children, and those children ALL have friends.


Last summer, the 8 year old fell off of it and broke his arm. Trampoline was off limits for about 6 weeks. Within days of having his cast removed, I saw him happily bouncing on the thing again. To make matters worse, dad has also installed one of those wooden fort things (also smack dab against and TALLER than the fence) that resembles a fire lookout tower at Yellowstone National Park. They can now see right over the fence into our bathroom windows. I don't care what anyone says, THAT is an invasion of our privacy.


I have an 18 year old, and a 13 year old, and I understand that kids are noisy. Boy, do I understand. When my kids were small, no matter how they begged, we wouldn't get them a trampoline because we felt it was dangerous. There is also a tendency for some parents to erect the things in their yard, then not supervise the kids because the parents feel, "well, they're safe, they're playing in their own yard, not running in the street, so now, I can go watch TV in peace, take a bath, or get on the computer". That's when accidents happen.


Children certainly have the right to play in their own yards and make a little noise, but some people give little or no thought to their neighbors when they buy these things. And putting it as far as they can from their own house is inconsiderate and just begging for trouble. As I told my neighbor, after I asked him to PLEASE move the lookout tower, and he told me to go pi*s up a rope, "if YOU don't want to put up with the noise and kids peeping in your windows, why do you feel I do?"


:) Sierra

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Trampolines aren't dangerous. They carry a risk but if you don't give your kids risk they'll end up hermits.


However, climing trees don't create as much noise pollution so trampolines should be out. If parents are too risk obsessed that they can't let their kids go to the local park with the miniscule risk attached to that then Britain is in a sorry state indeed.

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Trampolines aren't dangerous. They carry a risk but if you don't give your kids risk they'll end up hermits.



I think thats a sad thing about kids today, I was quite old fashioned when it come to fun when I was a kid...Tree Climbing, Camping, Bike Rides, Football, Building/Racing go karts etc. We wasn't brought up to be sheltered and be taught to be afraid of anything and everything. My cousin is a proper hermit, Scared of COWS :confused: I mean come on, COWS! With my childhood I did incur lots of bumps, scrapes, hospital visits however they also brought alot of good memories and experiences. I would never criticise a protective parent for wanting their children to be safe but somewhere you have to draw the line and let them go out and get dirty and in need of the odd plaster and bandage...it does more good then harm.


Going back to the trampoline, it is also a good source of exercise and I can imagine my nephew now is out like a light (or probably still on the damn thing)!

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We have one on our back garden for my 7 year old daughter, I would no way have a basket ball net or anything else attached to it, she has a safety net around it & only allowed one at a time n it as the rules state.

I would also like to add there is nothing better than hearing the sound of children having fun on a sunny day.

Better than hearing the sound of lawn mowers, people arguing & ice cream vans.

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I absolutely agree, it's great listening to your own little darlings having fun, next door's little darlings are an entirely different matter ....


As parents love to see and hear their children playing, I'm not sure why they always seem to erect the garden gyms and trampolines etc as far away from their own house as possible ... the same way as they seem to put the stinking bbq well away from their house too.


So you have the dubious pleasure every fine day when you want to enjoy your garden, listening to screaming, fighting brats or other people's friends and family inane yammering through the fence, when you want only to hear your own family's delightful conversations ;)

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I absolutely agree, it's great listening to your own little darlings having fun, next door's little darlings are an entirely different matter ....


As parents love to see and hear their children playing, I'm not sure why they always seem to erect the garden gyms and trampolines etc as far away from their own house as possible ... the same way as they seem to put the stinking bbq well away from their house too.


So you have the dubious pleasure every fine day when you want to enjoy your garden, listening to screaming, fighting brats or other people's friends and family inane yammering through the fence, when you want only to hear your own family's delightful conversations ;)


You can remedy that by accumulating around 350k and investing in a nice rural farmhouse or likewise.

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You can remedy that by accumulating around 350k and investing in a nice rural farmhouse or likewise.


If only ...... :D


But you did spot the irony in my post? We're all bad neighbours when we have to live cheek by jowl was my point. Except for me of course, I'm perfect .. ;)

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If your neighbours have put a trampoline or a playhouse up against your property and you want your privacy back, just start sunbathing naked. As soon as the kids start mentioning the naked people in the next garden the parents will move the kit quick sharp. :thumbsup: Although I hope my privacy freak neighbour doesn't do this to me as I don't want to see his hairy bum bobbing up and down in the back garden. :gag:

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If your neighbours have put a trampoline or a playhouse up against your property and you want your privacy back, just start sunbathing naked. As soon as the kids start mentioning the naked people in the next garden the parents will move the kit quick sharp. :thumbsup: Although I hope my privacy freak neighbour doesn't do this to me as I don't want to see his hairy bum bobbing up and down in the back garden. :gag:


Better yet, buy a trampoline and go on it naked...The jiggling could give the kids some sort of trampoline phobia! :D

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