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Keep away from 'Third World' A & E.

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Over 2000 women came to the UK to have their baby and never paid their bills,we should charge the governments of the country they come from and let them chase the offenders up.


Good idea. As long as it doesn't cost more to retrieve the money than is owed.

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My wife is a nurse. Her friend works in A&E she says one of the problems is people who don't need to be there keep turning up with minor complaints they could have dealt with at home. I think that we have a health service wich is set up to deal with a population no higher than 50 million at best. Where we find the extra capacity for another 20 million iv'e no idea.

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That's why I put it in apostrophies.

Maybe I should have spelled it out and said 'free at the point of use.'


After a lifetime of work and paying taxes, they didn't take the life savings off old people for what is often substandard care paid for at minimum wage levels..


But like everything else these days we are expected tp pay up and shut up....


Back then, old people worked, paid taxes retired at 65 and had the decency to drop dead by 67 or looked family until they died of an industrial illness at 70. Old people with expensive, high cost illnesses? Millions of them now, cost g a fortune.


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 20:40 ----------


Good idea. As long as it doesn't cost more to retrieve the money than is owed.


Yeah that £16m per year will solve all our problems.

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i think you might find its medical tourism:roll: mostly


Nope, it's most definately an ageing population. :banana:


Health tourism costs less to the NHS than missed GP appointments!


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 20:42 ----------


Back then, old people worked, paid taxes retired at 65 and had the decency to drop dead by 67 or looked family until they died of an industrial illness at 70. Old people with expensive, high cost illnesses? Millions of them now, cost g a fortune.


Nail, head, hit!

Edited by Magilla
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I think privatisation would be a leap in the dark, but I don't think they would pay silly money that is being paid currently.


It is very frustrating Anna, and I don't know what the answer is. May be a new health minister with the no nonsense approach like Donald Trump?


Oh yes Donald Trump. He's doing great stuff with healthcare in the US I hear.:|

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i think you might find its medical tourism:roll: mostly


What's the percentage of medical tourists out of all people who visit A and E?

Let's see the figures to back up your claim.

Try binge drinking,or will that be tourists who arrive to drink and go to hospital?

Edited by chalga
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'Keep away from 'Thiird World A & E.'


So says A & E Consultant, Dr. Richard Fawcett of Royal Stoke University Hospital. He goes on 'I personally apologise to the people of Stoke for the Third World conditions of the Department due to overcrowding. It breaks my heart to see so many frail and elderly patients on the corridor for hours and hours...'


A patient complains of spending 18 hours on a trolley waiting for a bed. Some are on floors.


What a disgusting state of affairs. Is it just about lack of funding when the NHS is still paying £16 for a pair of rubber gloves that can be bought anywhere for pennies?


What is happening to this country? Why are we still paying CEOs hundreds of thousands of pounds in salaries (because they were supposed to be the best in the world, remember...?) for presiding over this sort of chaos?

I have a friend who works in the N.H.S. admin who tells me that they pay thousands of pounds for drugs from the major drug companies. The same drugs can be purchased over the counter or on line at a fraction of what the drug cartels charge our N.H.S.

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