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Keep away from 'Third World' A & E.

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The blame lies squarely on the government. Vote Labour next time.


Of course :loopy:


---------- Post added 03-01-2018 at 22:39 ----------


i often wonder why our A&E depts are so overcrowded:roll:


Remember , all those CEOs and managers need to justify their high wages :rant: . but they cannot . Too many people in high positions and not enough on the shop floor

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I have a friend who works in the N.H.S. admin who tells me that they pay thousands of pounds for drugs from the major drug companies. The same drugs can be purchased over the counter or on line at a fraction of what the drug cartels charge our N.H.S.




I can only assume that the NHS procurement managers have signed some pretty dodgy contracts that can't be got out of. They need sacking.


That, or a lot of brown envelopes, jobs for the boys, and mutual back scratching going on under the banner of the NHS.


Once again corruption / incompetence in high places.

Edited by Anna B
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'Keep away from 'Thiird World A & E.'


So says A & E Consultant, Dr. Richard Fawcett of Royal Stoke University Hospital. He goes on 'I personally apologise to the people of Stoke for the Third World conditions of the Department due to overcrowding. It breaks my heart to see so many frail and elderly patients on the corridor for hours and hours...'


A patient complains of spending 18 hours on a trolley waiting for a bed. Some are on floors.


What a disgusting state of affairs. Is it just about lack of funding when the NHS is still paying £16 for a pair of rubber gloves that can be bought anywhere for pennies?


What is happening to this country? Why are we still paying CEOs hundreds of thousands of pounds in salaries (because they were supposed to be the best in the world, remember...?) for presiding over this sort of chaos?


you hit the nail on the head, but I guess here we go, procurement was no better under labour, I agree it is a crime how the NHS is managed.

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Part of the problem is people have to wait too long to see a GP. During the winter months local surgeries should open for longer and be more accommodating. Also too much wastage of money judging by the £16 for a pair of gloves figure. The answer is to make better use of current resources.

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i think you will find its labour that started the whole overcrowding mess allowing unfettered immigration, who use A&E like a doctors call in centre:roll:


Have you been to a hospital lately? It's full of old people, fat people or old fat people. I didn't see a huge amount of foreigners at all.

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have a run up to northern general and sit in A&E old chap!


The only reason that migrant populations are even capable of putting pressure on our failing infrastructure is that it was failing before they got here. The “two-tier” “fair immigration” nonsense won’t fix the NHS, it won’t make wages higher in Stoke-on-Trent, and it won’t even win Labour the next election.




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