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Blair. Will We Ever Believe Another Word Uttered By Him?

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With his previous form on the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' dossier, will we ever be able to believe another word from Blair's mouth?


What make me feel that there is truth & Blair is once again economical with the truth is the statement in the link that he was angling for a role in the Trump administration in the Middle East.


There must be a group of firemen, permanently on standby, damping down Blair's pants.

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So euhm... rather than playing the man, let's have a look at the ball shall we. He is correct - No matter who is in power at the moment, they are going to struggle to get anything done. Corbyn knows this full well by the way, hence his reluctance to commit to Brexit or indeed attack the Tories over their handling of it. He has been conspicuously absent from the political scene in 2017 compared to the constant media attention he sought before.

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Blair said that we are heading for a very Tory Brexit and I believe he's on the money there.


Corbyn and Labour need themselves organised and start to have a real impact on proceedings.

I think it's quite likely we'll have a Labour government next election - wouldn't that put them in a bind if they get into number 10 and are forced to sort out the Tory designed Brexit.

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