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Blair. Will We Ever Believe Another Word Uttered By Him?

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Blair said that we are heading for a very Tory Brexit and I believe he's on the money there.


Corbyn and Labour need themselves organised and start to have a real impact on proceedings.

I think it's quite likely we'll have a Labour government next election - wouldn't that put them in a bind if they get into number 10 and are forced to sort out the Tory designed Brexit.


Good!!at least thats one truth from BLIAR!! the harder and the more Tory exit the better! as for corbyn and his cronies not a chance in hell at the next election.

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Blair said that we are heading for a very Tory Brexit and I believe he's on the money there.


He is just stating the obvious as its the ones in power that will be dealing with it. He also knows that Corbyn will also go along with it as there is very little Labour or others in Parliament can do to stop it, delay it maybe but stop it no.

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He is wiser than we think he got out in power and left brown in the the brown right to the eyes.


He has never been wise and he is not totally out of it, he still has his finger in there and that is what's so annoying. He should have stuck to his guitar , he could be a geriatric pop star now.

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Let's also remember that Blair, back in the mid 1980's also campaigned for the UK to leave the EC (eu) at that time.


Now I'm not suggesting that someone is not allowed to change their mind with the passing of time but I believe that Blair's epiphany on the EU was less to do with how it had evolved into the EU & more to do with his ambition to see himself as a future president of a United States of Europe on a par with the US president, with all the trappings of the office.


The Labour Party would have been a different animal under the late John Smith & the country would not have seen the likes of Blair, Mandelson, or Alistair Campbell.

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With his previous form on the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' dossier, will we ever be able to believe another word from Blair's mouth?


What make me feel that there is truth & Blair is once again economical with the truth is the statement in the link that he was angling for a role in the Trump administration in the Middle East.


There must be a group of firemen, permanently on standby, damping down Blair's pants.


No No No, I was a Blaire believer, he destroyed any trust in what we are told.


---------- Post added 11-01-2018 at 01:23 ----------


Let's also remember that Blair, back in the mid 1980's also campaigned for the UK to leave the EC (eu) at that time.


Now I'm not suggesting that someone is not allowed to change their mind with the passing of time but I believe that Blair's epiphany on the EU was less to do with how it had evolved into the EU & more to do with his ambition to see himself as a future president of a United States of Europe on a par with the US president, with all the trappings of the office.


The Labour Party would have been a different animal under the late John Smith & the country would not have seen the likes of Blair, Mandelson, or Alistair Campbell.


you are quite right on reflection, his demise was demise of the country.

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