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Fecal Microbiota Transplant.

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It seems as though the latest medical recommendation for any one who suffers from recurring abdominal pain ,nausea or diarrhea is F.M.T in other words poo transplant.

Apparently this treatment is carried out by obtaining poo from a family member or close friend mixing it with a solution and inserting it by enema into ones body .


Apparently this treatment has been used for hundreds of years by the Chinese .


It seems as though the over the counter heartburn , indigestion and stomach ache pills days are numbered if this latest back to basics treatment catches on.

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It seems as though the over the counter heartburn , indigestion and stomach ache pills days are numbered if this latest back to basics treatment catches on.


i doubt it,


fmt might possibly be a treatmemt for things like ibs but probably not for common or garden indegestion

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It's been around for some time with good results apparently as it put back the 'good' gut bacteria that are not there for whatever reason. Suppose if nothing else works and you're desperate you'll try anything - best not to think too deeply about it as it's happening I suppose! Also use of leeches is back too!

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This is not the sort of thing that will ever be used as a routine treatment for a whole selection of illnesses. At present it is just being used in various places in the world to treat things like C diff and the more severe E coli infections and similar, and even where it's being used, it's still experimental until there is enough data to show that it is statistically as helpful as it is theoretically.

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