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Sea levels are rising

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With respect. It's not guesswork. It's called Data Analysis. If you Google up: Data Analysis and Statistical Analysis, you will find explanations of the difference.


Guesswork, unless you know the exact quantity of the sea.

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Do you know the exact quantity of the sea?


I assume by 'quantity' you mean volume? We know the volume of the sea to a pretty accurate degree (1%)


However, that question is completely irrelevant to measuring sea level rise, which you could do without knowing the volume of the sea at all.


I can add water to a bucket and measure how much the water rises without knowing how much water is in the bucket..


Explain why you think you would need to know the exact volume of the sea in order to measure sea level rise?

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I said that the models we have don't accurately make predictions for historical climate. Perhaps this entire topic is a bit too complex for you.


If you can explain which part of climate history you think we cannot predict, or just post a link to the thing that you have read.

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I assume by 'quantity' you mean volume? We know the volume of the sea to a pretty accurate degree (1%)


However, that question is completely irrelevant to measuring sea level rise, which you could do without knowing the volume of the sea at all.


I can add water to a bucket and measure how much the water rises without knowing how much water is in the bucket..


Explain why you think you would need to know the exact volume of the sea in order to measure sea level rise?


Try getting on a bus with your bucket of water then predict where the next level on it's sides will be.



How else would you know how much the sea has risen or fallen.

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Try getting on a bus with your bucket of water then predict where the next level on it's sides will be.



How else would you know how much the sea has risen or fallen.


You understand why that analogy is so ridiculously wrong and you're just joking about right?


How does that relate to knowing the exact volume of the oceans (or bucket) anyway? If you're going to troll, at least be consistent.

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You understand why that analogy is so ridiculously wrong and you're just joking about right?


How does that relate to knowing the exact volume of the oceans (or bucket) anyway? If you're going to troll, at least be consistent.


So tell us the exact volume of the sea, and how you intend to measure a moving quantity of water on a spinning ball influenced by tides and storms to a degree of a millimeter without guesswork.

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