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Sea levels are rising

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I’m not convinced that climate change is altogether mankind’s fault, but we do have professor Hawkins saying that we need to find a new planet within a single life time. I think he believes the end of the earth is nearer than we think.


He tends to blame climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemic and the earth being overpopulated. So if his forecast is correct, does not look good for the next generation.


I have no idea what to believe.


He has lived a very unusually long life for someone with the condition he has.

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As a scientist he is at least familiar with how to gather data, how to analyse data and how to read papers (and look for flaws in their methodology).


Not really sure what he is.


---------- Post added 08-01-2018 at 18:22 ----------


What qualifies Al Gore?


Al Gore was selected as the Democratic nominee for the 2000 presidential election and he is a rich successful person; he also received the Nobel Peace Prize. He also went to Harvard.

In his senior year, he took a class with oceanographer and global warming theorist Roger Revelle, who sparked Gore's interest in global warming and other environmental issues. Gore earned an A on his thesis, "The Impact of Television on the Conduct of the Presidency, 1947–1969", and graduated with an A.B. cum laude in June 1969.


Not sure who Harold Doiron is, a search of Wiki came up blank, except links to fake news sites, such as



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The scientists say that we need to reduce CO2 emissions to the extent that temperature rise can be kept to less than 2 degrees Celsius, ideally lower - surely you are aware of this


Well yes.. but C02 is just one of the problems though isn't it. Apparently CFC's was also one which causes problems with the ozone layer which also contributes to warming. Fluctuations in the suns rays reaching us is also another factor and so is methane. Greenhouse gasses are not just C02.

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Well yes.. but C02 is just one of the problems though isn't it. Apparently CFC's was also one which causes problems with the ozone layer which also contributes to warming. Fluctuations in the suns rays reaching us is also another factor and so is methane. Greenhouse gasses are not just C02.


The ozone hole does not contribute to global warming.

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The two major contributors to sea-level rise are:


1) Glacial meltwater being released at a faster rate than being replenished. This applies to around 80% of glaciers.



2) Water expands as temperature rises. The Volumetric Temp Coefficient of water at 10 C aproximately = 0.0001


The world's ocean is approximately 1,335,000,000,000 cubic metres with an average depth of 3700 metres


Assume the ocean is contained in a tank 19000 * 19000 * 3700, at 10 Celsius.


If the water temperature is increased by 1 degree Celsius. The new volume would be 1,335,833,570,000


The new depth would = new volume / (19000 * 19000) = 3700.37 metres, an increase of 370 millimetres


There are a lot of assumptions in the above but it does serve to indicate the basics of temperature

induced sea-level rise.



Another factor is Isostatic Rebound. Land masses are depressed by the large weights of ice, when the ice

melts away the land mass rises giving an apparant local sea-level fall.

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True but ozone is also classed as a greenhouse gas.


CFCs didn't destroy ground level ozone though, they destroyed the ozone layer, which is not the same as ozone at lower altitudes (chemically it is, but not with regards to trapping heat).

The ozone layer doesn't contribute to heating.


---------- Post added 09-01-2018 at 07:32 ----------



Not sure who Harold Doiron is, a search of Wiki came up blank, except links to fake news sites, such as




Then you're pretty poor at googling.

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The sea is not rising period - it's called a lie.


No, its true. Ever filled a bath and then got in and seen the water level go up?


The sea is the same.


In the old days there weren't so many big cruise and container ships like there are now. And more people go sea swimming than in the past. Ipso fatso.


Perhaps we could all do our bit by making more space in the ocean for sea by eating more fish and taking big rocks out of it?


Or how about lowering the sea floor, dig some big holes in the bottom?



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"Recent research has shown that by the year 2100 sea levels could rise by two metres.

"That is only 83 years into the proposed stadium's 200-year lease."



Do you think Everton will still be in any league in 2100?


---------- Post added 09-01-2018 at 09:50 ----------


No, its true. Ever filled a bath and then got in and seen the water level go up?


The sea is the same.


In the old days there weren't so many big cruise and container ships like there are now. And more people go sea swimming than in the past. Ipso fatso.


Perhaps we could all do our bit by making more space in the ocean for sea by eating more fish and taking big rocks out of it?


Or how about lowering the sea floor, dig some big holes in the bottom?



I was thinking of reporting you to the Mods for calling Mac a rude name.

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