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War on want on israels new blacklist

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Anti poverty group apparently are anti Israeli Oo


could it be because of this?




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its not, that was off war on wants site, i was more concerned with Israels take on it, war on want have ALWAYS been against poverty, NOT a country or a race or a religion Oo

The trump bit is why i think they got added?

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its not, that was off war on wants site, i was more concerned with Israels take on it, war on want have ALWAYS been against poverty, NOT a country or a race or a religion Oo

The trump bit is why i think they got added?


2 APRIL 2016 • 10:02PM

The government has ceased funding a British charity which sponsored events accused of promoting hatred and violence against Jews.


The Department for International Development (Dfid) said that it no longer supported War on Want, which helped pay for “Israeli Apartheid Week” in February this year.


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OMG why is everything so political?


Meanwhile innocent people are suffering while everyone squabbles..


What a World we live in.....




Not very enlightening observations. The «*world is as it is,*» if only we had magic wands.


Platitudes and hand wringing won’t bring «*justice*» to Palestinians or bring Israelis and Palestinians together

Edited by Ridgewalk
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But less bombing and shooting of the citizens of the Middle East's only democracy might.


Hardly likely while ever Israel rides roughshod over international law, treats Palestinians as second class citizens and violates their human and civil rights on a daily basis.


I loathe violence and I loathe war, but even so, I don't blame the Palestinians for fighting. I'd like to think I would if I was in their shoes.


To return the the OP - it strikes me as a foolish and cynical response from Israel. The people who suffer as a consequence from this entry ban will be people who were in need of aid presumably.

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OMG why is everything so political?


Meanwhile innocent people are suffering while everyone squabbles..


What a World we live in.....


I quite agree Anna, however, I may be shot down in flames, but Israel is mainly a European enclave in the Middle East born on the people that fled the horrific experiences in Germany. That most if not all surrounding nations don't want them there. So what are they to do? look at Irak, Afghanistan, which has fallen into feudalism, are you saying such should overwhelm them?

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