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What is equality to you?

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1 hour ago, Cyclone said:

You've almost certainly benefited from white, male, hetro privilege, you just don't realise it.

You're certainly right in that I'm not seeing it.


It would be interesting to clarity and quantity the specific benefits that white privilege is having for me...


I had the same educational opportunities as everyone else. I've been self-employed career wise, so being white has not benefited me in the job market.


The only thing that springs to mind, as a possible advantage, is being born here, speaking the language and cultural assimilation from birth etc. All of which are advantages anyone of any race would enjoy who happens to be born here?

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6 minutes ago, Waldo said:

You're certainly right in that I'm not seeing it.


It would be interesting to clarity and quantity the specific benefits that white privilege is having for me...


I had the same educational opportunities as everyone else. I've been self-employed career wise, so being white has not benefited me in the job market.


The only thing that springs to mind, as a possible advantage, is being born here, speaking the language and cultural assimilation from birth etc. All of which are advantages anyone of any race would enjoy who happens to be born here?

Try reading this. I think it's pretty good at explaining it and why you are unaware of it - https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/lori-lakin-hutcherson/my-white-friend-asked-me-to-explain-white-privilege-so-i-decide

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9 hours ago, Waldo said:

White privilege certainly hasn't kicked in for me.


My line of work involves selling direct to the public online, so it's not like anyone cares what I look like; the main thing affecting my success (or lack thereof) is the quality and desirably of the work I produce.


There are zero barriers (in terms of protected characteristics etc) to my line of work, anyone can do it, and the only thing that really matters is ability and willingness to apply oneself.


I'm fact, in terms of career, business and job opportunities, I'm fairly confident being white has had next to no impact in my case, in fact, if anything, it's detrimental, because I don't qualify for initiatives offered exclusively to women and BME individuals in my industry.

According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2018, the top 1 percent of adults account for more than 47 percent of household wealth globally. 


The question of which uber rich global elite makes up the top one percent? The surprising answer is you and me. To join this privileged club you only need to earn $32k or around £24k a year.


That puts things into perspective doesn't it? 


Even if you don't earn the £24k needed to be in the top one percent, compare to the average person on this planet, you're still extremely well off.

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1 hour ago, Waldo said:

You're certainly right in that I'm not seeing it.


It would be interesting to clarity and quantity the specific benefits that white privilege is having for me...


I had the same educational opportunities as everyone else. I've been self-employed career wise, so being white has not benefited me in the job market.


The only thing that springs to mind, as a possible advantage, is being born here, speaking the language and cultural assimilation from birth etc. All of which are advantages anyone of any race would enjoy who happens to be born here?

You've not suffered from discrimination, both open and hidden in the form of bias against you in anything you've ever done.

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2 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

You've not suffered from discrimination, both open and hidden in the form of bias against you in anything you've ever done.

Yes I have. I am openly discriminated against because I'm white and male. I also suspect that plenty of people dislike me, and act unfavourably towards me, precisly because of my skin colour and gender; at least that's been my experience.

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2 hours ago, JFKvsNixon said:

According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2018, the top 1 percent of adults account for more than 47 percent of household wealth globally. 


The question of which uber rich global elite makes up the top one percent? The surprising answer is you and me. To join this privileged club you only need to earn $32k or around £24k a year.


That puts things into perspective doesn't it? 


Even if you don't earn the £24k needed to be in the top one percent, compare to the average person on this planet, you're still extremely well off.

Sure, but this still doesn't back up existence of white privilege, does it? I'm pretty sure that 1 % is pretty diverse and independent on skin colour.

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7 hours ago, Halibut said:

Try reading this. I think it's pretty good at explaining it and why you are unaware of it - https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/lori-lakin-hutcherson/my-white-friend-asked-me-to-explain-white-privilege-so-i-decide

Thank you Halibut


It's an intereting read; and I can well imagine that's the daily experience for a lot of non-white people. It's not right, and people need to challenge the kind of crappy behaviour described in your linked article.


In the article, she makes a number of observations, that we could pick apart one by one. She's sharing her own perspective of course; and it's possible there may be instances of unfavourable treatment that she is attributing to racism, where that's not actually the reason. For example, I'm not saying that racism within the work place doesn't happen, but with the boss episode; how does she know her boss was demeaning her because of her race, and not just because she's the new kid and was challenging his authority or opinion? Anyhow, that's beside the point.


One thing I'm stuggling with is this...


Because of this 'white privilage' thing, we have positive discrimination, aimed at helping only non-whites or non-males etc. Many of whom will be way better off than people who are not eligible for such aid, and who have not engaged in the kind of behaviour described in your article. How do you justify that?


The lady (Lori) writing the article; had a pool as a kid, and went to Harvard. Man I could only dream of being so fortunate in life (and it's not for want of trying).


I don't think it's right. Neither do I think mis-treatment of, or dehumanising ANY human being is right either.

Edited by Waldo
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5 hours ago, Halibut said:

Try reading this. I think it's pretty good at explaining it and why you are unaware of it - https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/lori-lakin-hutcherson/my-white-friend-asked-me-to-explain-white-privilege-so-i-decide

Well even better, let's go back to the original source, Peggy McIntosh, US, anti-racism & American feminist campaigner who first came up with the term in her published work; "White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies"


This has been around since its 1988, (yep, 31 years), publication but hey let's jump on the 'new' term bandwagon. 


Question Halibut?  Who exactly is Lori Lakin Hutchison? Is she some American high school student who has just discovered some 30 odd year old material to try & impress her contemporaries?  Hardly original thought is it? 

Edited by Baron99
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3 hours ago, Waldo said:

Yes I have. I am openly discriminated against because I'm white and male. I also suspect that plenty of people dislike me, and act unfavourably towards me, precisly because of my skin colour and gender; at least that's been my experience.

Seems to be the case and mostly from white people, strange world init.

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