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What is equality to you?

Message added by Vaati

The bickering and insults can cease. You were warned by another mod only a few hours ago. Any further and accounts will be suspended.

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Just now, danot said:

 Negative? What negative is that then?

 And I'm still waiting for you to explain 'why' it's 'nonsense'. Calling it nonesense without specifying what makes it nonesense seens a little under par for you Cyclone.  Has it been a long day?

It's nonsense because it's something you just made up, with no truth to it.

To prove that I'd have to prove a negative.  I can't do that.

So instead you prove that it's true.  I won't hold my breath.

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13 hours ago, Cyclone said:


Or you could continue to grasp at semantic straws in order to try to score a point.

It was more than semantics. An assumption of no discrimination at all, before climbing down to admitting it is possible before white males to be discriminated against to some degree. Now you just need to admit you got it wrong. Go on, you might enjoy it.

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3 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

Still grasping at straws because you have no actual point to make.

I made my point and you know it.

4 hours ago, danot said:

Why would women need to be segregated from transgender women, did it say? 

Because they're all 'transphobic'.

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10 hours ago, Cyclone said:

It's nonsense because it's something you just made up, with no truth to it.

To prove that I'd have to prove a negative.  I can't do that.

So instead you prove that it's true.  I won't hold my breath.

I haven't invented it. Colour prejudice and racism are two completely different types of discrimination, but don't take my word for it, Google it, or ask around. 


EDIT: It was you that claimed white people rarely suffer racism, presumably, because their skin tone excludes them from colour prejudice? Would that be accurate? If it's of any interest to you, the term being used nowadays for colour prejudice is 'colourism', which is rife in India by all accounts.  Colourism, or colour prejudice as I call it, doesnt necessarily have to be a white/black or race related issue, it can occur within the same ethnic group. It's completely different to rasism. Can't believe you're ignorant to the fact. 

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8 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

You didn't make any point.  You tried to score a cheap point if that's what you mean, hence why you're so focussed on semantics and won't actually discuss the issue.

The issue is that your discrimination made an assumption about an entire race and gender. Can you not see your own hypocrisy?

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5 hours ago, danot said:

Why would women need to be segregated from transgender women, did it say? 

It didn't say but you could probably surmise that the women prisoners & presumably also the authorities, probably don't want them to mix, possibly fearing a backlash from the women prisoners  or women prisoners taking the Prison Service to court for infringement of their rights. 


No doubt at some stage we'll end up with a lot more prisons with prisoners being gaoled in prisons of their choice? 

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We now have an author who does not identify as either male or female, who has a book in contention for the Women's Prize for Fiction?




Can anyone explain this? I'm sure that if this non-binary trans wins the prize, the other women authors will be chuffed? 


Also if you don't identify as either male or female but are in transition, what exactly are you transitioning from & too?

Edited by Baron99
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