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Jeremy Hunt..not sacked

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Really...how absolutely bonkers hatstand incompetent do you have to be to not get sacked by the Maybot?


Thick as <removed> and with no understanding of the NHS (apart from writing a pamphlet about how it should be privatised) but not only does he keep his job he gets another portfolio as well.


If I, or anyone else in the whole world did such a rubbish job as he has done in the past year we'd be sacked.

Edited by nikki-red
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I was just watching Newsnight. Theresa May had planned to move him to the Department for Business, but he pleaded with her, in a meeting over an hour long, to let him stay at the Dept. Of Health. He persuaded her, and she relented - on the provision that he takes on social care.

Justine Greening has gone from Education. Resigned. Apparently very unhappy with the government's Education policies

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I see Satan's little helper, Esther McVey, is back in the DWP, after Justine Greening turned it down.

That must strike fear in the hearts of the vulnerable now that she's back in her stomping ground....


If this is May trying to detoxify the Tories and show considerate conservatism then she'd been as well appointing Herod as Children's Minister.


McVey is an utterly disgusting creature.

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