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Sheffield Hospital Letters (esp Hallamshire) anybody else have probs?

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I agree. It is everyone's responsibility to keep up with current technology otherwise you will get left behind and miss appointments


No it not everyone's responsibility. People have choices and I for one will not use a mobile phone apart from in an emergency. Only my family have my number as I do not always have it switched on unless I may need it. I do not use facebook or twitter or even have a contactless bank card. My choice not yours.

I am one of a dying breed and it is one I am proud of and in the meantime it is up to all people to be tolerant, as we have to be to others who walk out in front of traffic while using their phones or bump into us. A mobile phone does not rule my life.

Many people need a hospital appt to have their phone surgically detached from their hand. Especially hospital staff who cannot resist looking at their mobiles when on duty.

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No it not everyone's responsibility. People have choices and I for one will not use a mobile phone apart from in an emergency. Only my family have my number as I do not always have it switched on unless I may need it. I do not use facebook or twitter or even have a contactless bank card. My choice not yours.

I am one of a dying breed and it is one I am proud of and in the meantime it is up to all people to be tolerant, as we have to be to others who walk out in front of traffic while using their phones or bump into us. A mobile phone does not rule my life.

Many people need a hospital appt to have their phone surgically detached from their hand. Especially hospital staff who cannot resist looking at their mobiles when on duty.

I agree - people DO have choices. But if those people choose not to have their mobile phones turned on and rely on the post these days they WILL miss appointments and important information reaching them in a timely manner.

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Unfortunately we are regular visitors to various depts at the RHH and we do receive letters. They do also remind you of due appts via landlines too and we have an answerphone so that itself is good even though we are not there to answer yes or no to the questions - we would at least know it is the hospital.

Our main problem is not getting an appt at all when one is actually due for check ups/follow ups etc. We received a letter last week giving my husband an appt that was actually due a year ago. I am still awaiting an appt that was due last Sept for an annual review. All is well so I don't push it.


I read once that for some people their whole life is held within their mobile. Photos, diary, social life, school work, course work and of course who could recall all those mobile phone numbers as we once could of friends and relatives landlines. And back in my day of course only a red phone boxes near to your home.......and letters could be received the same day they were posted, if it was local.

PS. In over 50 yrs of attending various hospitals I have only had two letters go missing.

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I entirely agree with you about the mobile phone issue. I text and Whatsapp just to keep in touch with my 3 children who are scattered around the country.

I hate to see people with their phone welded to their ears and constantly checking their phones but I'm afraid that this technology is here to stay.

I regularly remind my children that when I was a child we didn't even have a landline but we somehow managed !

However, times have changed and I have had to embrace technology - not least because I wouldn't function at work without it.

I kind of admire you for stubbornly refusing to be dragged into the 21st century but you will always be at a disadvantage unfortunately.


Edited by Daven
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Text messenging as a popular use of communication is about 20 years old. I can buy a mobile phone for a tenner. If you don't and have never owned these devices it's a conscious choice, one that could be holding everyone else back.


Yes you can buy a phone for a tenner but how much is the monthly contract/internet charges etc? Not everyone, especially those on a limited income, can afford it.

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Yes you can buy a phone for a tenner but how much is the monthly contract/internet charges etc? Not everyone, especially those on a limited income, can afford it.


Forget contracts. I have a pay as you go phone which I will only use in an emergency and to allow people to ring me. I put £5 worth of credit on. All I have to do is make one 12p text every six months to keep the provider, so 12 p every six months is all you need to pay.

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Thank you Daven. Pleased to say my grandsons when they visit us put their mobile on the side table and while they may look who has texted them they do not answer them while with us. But our granddaughters are a different matter altogether............

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Forget contracts. I have a pay as you go phone which I will only use in an emergency and to allow people to ring me. I put £5 worth of credit on. All I have to do is make one 12p text every six months to keep the provider, so 12 p every six months is all you need to pay.


I do exactly the same although I put about £10 a month on . Stay clear of contracts because they've then got you by the goolies.

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It's not just a recent problem. A few years ago I received a letter confirming my cataract removal the day after I'd had the operation. I think they use 2nd class or pony express.


I have had the same experience with the Northern General. Letter arrived two days after my scan had been done there.

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