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What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

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I was at a friend's house yesterday, and was having a discussion with her partner, who is from Ghana, about pets.


He asked me if I liked cats, to which my reply was, in small doses, yes.


He replied, without hesitation, 'In my country, we eat them!'


Well, you could have knocked me down with a bulldozer!


Now I'm not stupid, I know that different cultures have different beliefs and value bases etc etc etc, but the timing of his comment really was priceless! There I was, in my mind's eye, sat stroking a nice cream coloured persian pussy, and suddenly I'm seeing Tabby Pie! He totally blew my image apart with a twelve bore shotgun!


So, on the back of this, I got to thinking, what's the strangest food item you've ever eaten?


During my life, I've eaten Ostrich, Shark, Buffalo, Swordfish, Kangaroo and Snake. Oh yes, and my stepmother's corned beef hash, which was actually scarier than all the above!


How about you?


Stagey x

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I ate some wierd fruits in Singapore. One was durian which actually smells like sewage and looks like a big spiky conker filled with slimy white testicles (although I may have elaborated on this memory a little bit). I also had a little fruit which was bright red on the inside and called queen of something and which stained my hands for days. Never eaten any domestic pets though.

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The strangest thing is probably Ostrich biltong (a south african variant on salted dried beef) roughly the consistancy of shoe leather but with added salt!


Edit - not a stange thing (particularly) but definately one to avoid is conger eel - it had the taste and consistnacy of a chunk of tyre gently marinaded in equal parts sump oil and salt :gag:

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I've eaten a selection of things that you would normally see David Attenborough talking about- impala, thompson's gazelle, water buck, bush boar, ostrich, alligator, snake, guinea fowl- but I think the only other thing that I've tried that people would be surprised about is woodlouse, which tastes like muddy prawn (not surprising when you think that prawns are their nearest relative).

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I've had durian too - you can smell them from a few hundred yards away, and they reek! but they taste lovely - a bit like custard i thought. (careful not to swallow the seed ;) )


Ducks tongues - at the suggestion of my brother and his wife - they're a bit...um....chewy :shocked: (this was in Sheffield of all places! So if you notice the ducks in Weston Park are a little quiet - maybe thats why!) ;):P

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Had toasted grasshopper in Thailand & tasted like pork scratchings.

Also had some sort of large black beetle but it had a really soft & mushy stomach when i bit into it, my wife went nuts when she saw me and warned of a ban on all aural contact with her if I didn't jetison it , so out it came before I could tell you what it tasted like :loopy:

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