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What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

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me too, once in penang, and many times in the philippines, i love the pinoy way of cooking them :love: even been to the market to buy em! you should see how popular chickens' heads are :suspect:


anyway, i reckon many people over here have eaten them, we just call em chicken nuggets!

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to be honest i would eat any sort of meat (cat, dog, etc etc). i just wont touch offal, or anything slimy(the texture puts me off). id be interested in trying insects and that sort of thing, but the weirdest thing i ever ate at this point is prob tripe... and thats not v weird.


My step dad travels the world with work and if you name a cliched weird food.... he's eaten it. eye balls, chickens feet, par boiled lobster (still alive and having its legs and claws pulled off while it still moves), the membrane that seperates a turtles internal organs from its shell, fish cheek!!, sashimi... pretty normal, but they asked him to select a fish from a tank and took it out, then proceeded to cop and slice it in front of him. he leads a very interesting life does my step dad.

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I can't think that I've ever eaten anything really gross. Now, my grandmother used to eat Pickled Pigs Feet. I remember seeing then in a jar in the pantry. My mom ate hog brains when she was a child but they certainly weren't from a tin. She grew up during The Depression and you ate EVERYTHING back then cause you never knew where your next meal was coming from. I woud not have survived.......I would have starved rather than eat that stuff!!

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