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What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

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For me the strangest thing I have ever eaten must be the brussel sprout.


I do not understand how anyone could like eating these little cousins of the cabbage.


Along with their potent gas making capabilities they have a foul and horrible penguin pee taste. In my opinion they are a creation of satin.


Why do the sprouts increase in numbers around this time of year? I dread being invited to places where sprouts are on the menu. Even if I politely decline sprouts for myself I can still see and smell the evil little green things on other diners plates and my appetite is ruined.

I just do not 'get' the brussel sprout. Bah humbug to the sprout!

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For me the strangest thing I have ever eaten must be the brussel sprout.


I do not understand how anyone could like eating these little cousins of the cabbage.


Along with their potent gas making capabilities they have a foul and horrible penguin pee taste. In my opinion they are a creation of satin.


Why do the sprouts increase in numbers around this time of year? I dread being invited to places where sprouts are on the menu. Even if I politely decline sprouts for myself I can still see and smell the evil little green things on other diners plates and my appetite is ruined.

I just do not 'get' the brussel sprout. Bah humbug to the sprout!


Fancy eating one of these then? This is what we got offered for Xmas dinner last night. Cold! Sprout kebab.

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I don't do weird food, I can't put anything in my mouth unless I know exactly what it is, which is why I don't eat burgers/ sausages (except vegetarian).


The weirdest thing I've ever eaten is probably cow heart... not very weird, especially compared to some stuff in this thread... I wouldn't even have eaten that, only I was really young and my mum didn't tell me what it was :mad:.

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I killed a rattler in my toolshed a couple of years back. A friend suggested I try eating some of it but I wasnt too struck on that idea so i gave him the body and he skinned it, cooked it up and gave part of it back to me. It actually doesn't taste half bad. A bit like chicken in fact.

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Probably deep fried cockroaches, they were a bit like pork scratchings:gag: But would still prefer 'em to a Burger King:hihi:


I've had a few different insects (mostly in Thailand), but I know that the thought of eating a cockroach would turn my stomach. The sight of them alive make me feel sick. Other insects don't.


I remember an odd shellfish in Thailand. Or it might have been a worm, I'm not really sure. I had them (by the hundred) on a beach restaurant. They were little sticks, approx 50mm x 3mm. They were deep fried and crispy - a bit like a savoury matchmaker.


Jellyfish - like eating... er... a jellyfish


In China - snake, along with a couple of by-products of the same snake - a red liquid (in a little shot glass) which I took to be blood, and another liquid (again in a little glass) which was yellow and bitter - I don't really want to think about what this was. I was the guest at the meal and was treated as a guest of honour. At least that was what I was led to believe. I can imagine my hosts pi**ing themselves at what the foreigner was prepared to do just to be polite.


Also in China, chickens feet and fish heads. (Not at the same time). At best we would use them as a base for soup, but there they are delicacies.


In Thailand, raw prawns (their texture and taste was just the same as the cooked ones, just a different colour), with a dip in chilli sauce. Also, raw cockles (clams).

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