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What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

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What did you think to it? I wasn't impressed at all with them, tasted horrible! :gag:


I did eat the mopani worm, but I actually think the weirdest thing I've ever eaten is coyote meat on an indian reservation in America.


I tried to swallow without chewing too much...pretty grim though.


Worst bit was when the guy who gave them to me informed me that the last white person to try one had had an intense allergic reaction and needed hospital treatment.


Of course I spent the next few hours monitoring my breathing and pulse in a VERY neurotic manner :)

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what's with the whole chicken in a can! and the fishy teeth freaked me out along with the canned bugs!


i haven't really ever eaten anything strange...but my OH has eaten crickets...ewwwwww and also a chicken neck curry in the UAE

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Probably the strangest was fufu, a Central and West African starch made from cassava root (or plantains or yams). It had the consistency and flavor of raw biscuit dough. You're supposed to roll it into a ball and use it as an edible dipper for stew or sauce. Unfortunately, the sauce that accompanied it was made of bright orange palm kernel oil and some chopped leaves. :gag:


But the missionaries who cooked it for me had fascinating tales to tell about African people who cope with extreme hunger and malnutrition. When swarms of insects decend, it's like manna from heaven to them.

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what's with the whole chicken in a can! and the fishy teeth freaked me out along with the canned bugs!



If you don't have a fridge or freezer how else do you keep a chicken for more than a day without it going off? There are lots of communities (not really in this country because the UK is just too small for it) that have to shop every couple of months rather than once a week, I would imagine canned goods are really important as a way of preserving things for them.

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