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Is racism on the increase?

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Interestingly, when people discuss falling violent crime rates, they often argue that people don’t report because the police do nothing, so there is no point.


When people discuss hate crime, they often use the opposite argument that it is due to increased reporting.


I prefer to rely on data. There are more reports, the problem is more prevalent.


Both can be simultaneously true. It's not a mind bender and strict reliance on data will only lead you up the garden path of prejudice and poor decisions.


Don't believe me? Try tracking another graph line with your data - media reports.

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So, you're kind of nostalgic about not being able to call people with disabilties 'spazzers' or 'mongols' and you miss being able to refer to 'going for a Chinky' or to the '****' shop?



Come on. You hear people saying that every single day . It hasnt stopped .

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So, you're kind of nostalgic about not being able to call people with disabilties 'spazzers' or 'mongols' and you miss being able to refer to 'going for a Chinky' or to the '****' shop?


---------- Post added 17-01-2018 at 06:51 ----------



No. Not really. Do you really think it's only racist if she used the word black?

Isn't 'tainted' enough for you?


it's weird how you seem to find it acceptable to use all descriptions of disabilities or the abbreviation for a chinese, yet have to star out for the shortening of a Pakistani shop. do you find one less offensive than the other?

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Both can be simultaneously true. It's not a mind bender and strict reliance on data will only lead you up the garden path of prejudice and poor decisions.


Don't believe me? Try tracking another graph line with your data - media reports.


Ah. The Paul Simon school of data analysis.


I never did set much store by that approach.


---------- Post added 18-01-2018 at 19:33 ----------


Come on. You hear people saying that every single day . It hasnt stopped .


I really don’t. I don’t see pubs with “No blacks, no dogs, no gypsies” on the door either.


Maybe I just keep nicer company than you do.

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it's weird how you seem to find it acceptable to use all descriptions of disabilities or the abbreviation for a chinese, yet have to star out for the shortening of a Pakistani shop. do you find one less offensive than the other?


**** is a racial slur and not short for Pakistani in any context. :rolleyes:

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Not arguing at all but how come we can call someone Afghan , Izbek , kurd and many others who come from countries with Stan in the name but it is considered to be a racial slur for **** . Honest question :confused:


Rather then me writing a very long post if you read this article then maybe you will understand = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1433212/Fans-****-taunt-was-racist-High-Court-rules.html

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Not arguing at all but how come we can call someone Afghan , Izbek , kurd and many others who come from countries with Stan in the name but it is considered to be a racial slur for **** . Honest question :confused:


Totally agree.


The word, in of itself, is not offensive... it'se the context in which it's used that makes it racist or not.


It was hijacked by racists decades ago and the stigma has stuck. But the word itself is just that... a word.

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