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Buses taken out of action after repeated acts of vandalism

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Just in case anyone wonders why buses don't turn up, are missing or badly damaged...


Seems the X1 route linking Sheffield with Rotherham and Maltby is the main culprit!


"Please note that from today (12 January) alternative buses will be used on the X1 service.


"Unfortunately we have had six of the usual X1 vehicles (known as Streetdecks) vandalised over the last month. The vandalism has resulted in a shortage of buses to run the X1 service for our customers and we have therefore made the decision to remove these vehicles until further notice.


"There has been an investment of over £6million in the X1 vehicles and it’s therefore extremely disappointing that there has been continued acts of vandalism. We would urge anyone who has witnessed these acts of vandalism to contact our customer services team, or South Yorkshire Police."



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Well I seriously doubt it would be happening between Sheffield and Rotherham. From previous experience it's more likely to be the Rotherham to Maltby end of the route. Suffered from vandalism before on this section especially up on the White City and Model Village estates at Maltby.

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Well I seriously doubt it would be happening between Sheffield and Rotherham. From previous experience it's more likely to be the Rotherham to Maltby end of the route. Suffered from vandalism before on this section especially up on the White City and Model Village estates at Maltby.


i.e. "The Rotherham Section"

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