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Bodybuilders/Muscled guys sought for photographic shoots

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I'm teaching myself soft-portrait photography, you know the kind of sexy stuff you see on calendars and am after guys who are prepared to donate a couple of hours of their time (probably in exchange for beer as I'm pretty skint) to model for me.


I'll hand over a full copy of the photographs. They're for my own non-commercial use but I might like to exhibit some if they're really good. There will be no porn or full nudity, though for those who are up for it some teasing shots would be good.


You can see the photography I've done previously at http://www.inspirare.net/gallery


This is no bull****, genuine bonafide. If you're interested you can email me through the contact link on the site above (if I post it here it'll only get harvested by spammers)


This could be the perfect birthday present for a grateful girlfriend ;)

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