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Should we sterilise the poor?

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Maybe we should also offer them tea n biscuits, like when you give blood ;)


ooh, don't remind me. I haven't donated blood in years since they removed the drop-in service at Cathedral Court.


I'm gasping for a decent cuppa and orange club biscuit :help:

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Let me <> rephrase the question




I'm not gonna book an appointment three months in advance when I might be dead in two.


That make more sense?


Don't worry, you're worth more dead than alive. Think of all those pink juicy body parts just begging to be snicked off and sent to the four corners of the country.


Of course, if you do have an 8 week prognosis please accept my deepest sympathy at this difficult time, and can I have your joke book to keep me warm this spring?

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I think it's a horrible idea.

I noted that the 27 year old Minister, Ben Bradley said of the comments he made about "a vast sea of unemployed wasters" who should have vasectomies that:

"my time in politics has allowed me to mature and I now realise that this language is not appropriate."

He apologises for the language, not the sentiment behind what he said. hmm

Anyway, Theresa May has appointed him as the 'vice chair for youth', and I'm sure his views will endear him to many.

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Interesting question, don't you think?


At first glance it doeasn't even merit discussion. The answer is "no". Isn't it?


However, the idea has reared its rather ugly face twice recently. Well known Eugenics fan Toby Young has suggested selecting embryos for intelligence as a way out of poverty.


Add to that, Ben Bradley's suggestion that vasectomies are the way to stem a "vast sea of unemployed wasters" and you have a question that needs answering.


These are two mainsream members of the Tory right wing. Young was well enough regarded to be given a role supervising Universities, Bradley is a vice chair of the Tory parliamentary party. So neither of them are so divorced from Government that they can be regarded as mavericks.


So, can we selectively breed poverty out of the human race? Would we want to?


Wow, no more " From rags to riches" stories or "Homeless guy wins the lottery with his last quid"headlines. Goodbye to 'feel good' stories.

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How about just limiting their benefits?


If you're unemployed you won't get any support for another new child, no benefits, no larger housing etc.?


And if they have that third or fourth child anyway and wont abort? Do we want malnourished kids in schools or does the state step in and take them into care (more costs)


The threat of reduced benefits won't stop unplanned pregnancies. Education might, but I'm not holding my breath.

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