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Should we sterilise the poor?

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If you know who both parents are.


There will be some circumstances such as widowhood, single parent adoption, or rape where only one parent (most often the mother) will be solely responsible for child support. There's no reason otherwise why both parents can't be recorded (via NI numbers for instance) when a birth is registered, and be equally responsible, at least financially.


---------- Post added 24-01-2018 at 06:28 ----------


Growing up poor isn't a huge problem, so long as they grow up educated and cared for.

If they grow up educated, then they won't themselves stay poor.


The problem is that poverty (not just being poor) is a cycle, it breeds resentment of authority, children are not encouraged to try at school, in fact the opposite might be true, and then they in turn go through life in poverty.

Breaking the cycle is hard.


I agree. If all children were properly cared for, and encouraged to value education rather than be ridiculed, or bullied (in some peer groups) for trying to learn, then more would at least have a chance of careers that would lift them out of poverty.


It used to be thought that children benefited hugely from having 'stay at home' mothers. I doubt that's the case any more.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Go on then.


Rather than try to do it myself




Someone did it for us already.


---------- Post added 24-01-2018 at 08:42 ----------


I can't (for the sake of investigating your point of view) find any economic argument that a minimum wage restricts wage growth.


There is a very reasonable case to say that the NMW has depressed wages since its introduction.

Do you have any references to support this?

Edited by Cyclone
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