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How much would you pay for a haircut?

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Imagine how much it would cost in security for him to go to all these cheap places people are talking about.......He's not you! He can't just walk down the high street and get his hair cut. Pretty sure he would either be mobbed by fans or hit over the head from some insane ISIS supporter.


Hence it costs more for a stylist to come to him. And that person probably spent extra time out of there day to be security checked to be able to have scissors with him while stood next to the future KING!


FFS get a grip on what HIS reality is.

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Imagine how much it would cost in security for him to go to all these cheap places people are talking about.......He's not you! He can't just walk down the high street and get his hair cut. Pretty sure he would either be mobbed by fans or hit over the head from some insane ISIS supporter.


Hence it costs more for a stylist to come to him. And that person probably spent extra time out of there day to be security checked to be able to have scissors with him while stood next to the future KING!


FFS get a grip on what HIS reality is.



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Imagine how much it would cost in security for him to go to all these cheap places people are talking about.......He's not you! He can't just walk down the high street and get his hair cut. Pretty sure he would either be mobbed by fans or hit over the head from some insane ISIS supporter.


Hence it costs more for a stylist to come to him. And that person probably spent extra time out of there day to be security checked to be able to have scissors with him while stood next to the future KING!


FFS get a grip on what HIS reality is.


Stop being so sodding sensible. This is SF and you need faux outrage or be damned!

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The bottoms fallen out of the market due to an increase of hairdressers. The long established barbers and hairdressers are falling by the way-side unable to cope with the large amount of immigrant hairdressers.


I used to go to the one on Stubbin Lane. Kurds they were. They used to tell me horror stories about Saddam Hussein's brother, they really hated him. Then they disappeared, What about my hair lads, get your priorities right...

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The bottoms fallen out of the market due to an increase of hairdressers. The long established barbers and hairdressers are falling by the way-side unable to cope with the large amount of immigrant hairdressers.


I used to go to the one on Stubbin Lane. Kurds they were. They used to tell me horror stories about Saddam Hussein's brother, they really hated him. Then they disappeared, What about my hair lads, get your priorities right...


Are you saying the Kurds went A whey?

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The bottoms fallen out of the market due to an increase of hairdressers. The long established barbers and hairdressers are falling by the way-side unable to cope with the large amount of immigrant hairdressers.


I used to go to the one on Stubbin Lane. Kurds they were. They used to tell me horror stories about Saddam Hussein's brother, they really hated him. Then they disappeared, What about my hair lads, get your priorities right...


Flipping immigrants coming over here taking away immigrants jobs. I blame brexit and Thatcher but not in that order.

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