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7,000 soldiers left to ROT on our streets: Today we demand HOMES FOR HEROES




When I see headlines like the above, I find them hard to believe. They are just sensationalising the issue - fake news.


There are organisations that help them, with millions, SSAFA and Help For Heroes.

Are ex-soldiers having a hard time, or do they get well looked after?





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They'll still potentially end up on the streets - what's required are better mental health services for those who need it regardless of background. Some will find it hard to transition from life in the services to civvy street. There is support out there in the forces before they leave.


The express article is full of big holes though. What a surprise.

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You've linked to an Express article from Feb 2017 and a Daily Mail article from 2015. Hardly up-to-date articles and from two papers whose journalism is less than reliable.


There are many ex-servicemen who are homeless, and many homeless who are not ex-servicemen.


There was the recent death of Darren Greenfield who served with the Royal Tank Regiment. He had been offered help from Soldiers off the Streets, SSAFA and other charities but had turned it down.


Yes, there is help out there, but if it is refused what can the charities do?

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One point I noted in the express piece was that ex-servicemen MUST go to the front of the queue. That's ok but what about if they commit crimes? They aren't all angels some of them have let the forces and committed serious criminal acts. Do they leave prison and go to the top of the list for a council house?

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These guys (mostly male) in the military get such a huge amount of support whilst they’re serving, ..... and, one has to admit, many of them are not the ....ahem, the most intelligent of people. When they leave the Army they lose most of that support and many of them spiral downhill when they re-enter civilian life. It’s difficult to see the solution and I’m not absolutely sure they should be prioritised over their fellow citizens re NHS, Social Services etc.

(I say this as someone with considerable experience in the military)

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I’m not absolutely sure they should be prioritised over their fellow citizens re NHS, Social Services etc.

(I say this as someone with considerable experience in the military)


I know some forms ask if you were in the armed services, not sure what priority they get.

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Because their job forces them to be mobile, resettlement in their chosen area with priority is good.

Because we want them to absolve themselves of independent life and follow the CoC and commit fully to military rule then yeah, if we train civvy street out then full support when required should be offered.


I'm not sure if all service men are covered with charity, I think Help for Heroes doesn't cover Falklands and prior so there could be barriers.

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