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Halal slaughter should be banned.

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If the animal has not been slaughtered in line with religious rules is it still considered Halal?


FSA estimates suggest that 88% of animals in the UK killed by halal methods were stunned beforehand in a way that many Muslims find religiously acceptable.

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How about battery chickens too - or is this just another tiresome Muslim bashing thread?


What about them? Let's deal with the sheep before we move onto the chickens.


How did you feel about this when you read the report?


Three workers and the boss of a halal abattoir have admitted causing unnecessary suffering to sheep as they were being killed following a three-year battle to bring the case to court.


Shocking undercover footage of slaughterhouse brutality at the Bowood Lamb abattoir near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, in December 2014 provoked a public outcry.


The secret filming by Animal Aid showed workers 'hacking and sawing' at animals' throats, as well as sheep being kicked in the head and hurled into metal walls.


All abattoirs must be approved by the Food Standards Agency, but the regulatory body does not check whether halal meat is prepared according to religious rules.


The law requires abattoirs to stun animals before slaughter to prevent unnecessary suffering, but there are exemptions for Jewish and Muslim producers.


The last part can't be right in 2018 and I hope that you agree.

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