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Government to form anti fake news unit

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Indeed, I’m sure Mr Springsteen is right this minute wondering how he’ll pay his council tax this month without maxing out his credit card.


He'll do okay whatever.


Do you think its right to be honest with your views and post your political views or to keep them to yourself? Surely career is more important, until you get to The Boss's status.

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They have been looking at ways to scupper free speech on the internet ever since they discovered what a dangerous giant cuckoo they had in their nest.


For the first time, ordinary people have access to a range of views and opinions from round the world, can check and cross reference information they are given to test its validity, and can now spot government <removed>. Quite a few embarrassing revelations have come to light and 'conspiracy theories' been found to be true. No wonder they want to muzzle it. They're not going to say that though are they? So they'll use any excuse.


As Dimple says, the first thing to be censored will be views they don't share. All the better to brainwash us with their own propoganda.

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They have been looking at ways to scupper free speech on the internet ever since they discovered what a dangerous giant cuckoo they had in their nest.


For the first time, ordinary people have access to a range of views and opinions from round the world, can check and cross reference information they are given to test its validity, and can now spot government <removed>. Quite a few embarrassing revelations have come to light and 'conspiracy theories' been found to be true. No wonder they want to muzzle it. They're not going to say that though are they? So they'll use any excuse.


As Dimple says, the first thing to be censored will be views they don't share. All the better to brainwash us with their own propoganda.


Which conspiracy theories have been found to be true (in this context)?

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They have been looking at ways to scupper free speech on the internet ever since they discovered what a dangerous giant cuckoo they had in their nest.


For the first time, ordinary people have access to a range of views and opinions from round the world, can check and cross reference information they are given to test its validity, and can now spot government <removed>. Quite a few embarrassing revelations have come to light and 'conspiracy theories' been found to be true. No wonder they want to muzzle it. They're not going to say that though are they? So they'll use any excuse.


As Dimple says, the first thing to be censored will be views they don't share. All the better to brainwash us with their own propoganda.


Will your post be removed under the new rules?! :shocked:

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1984 - that is all.


Nah. It is 2018.


Anyone with any intelligence is watching big brother, rather than the other way round.


Fake news is a myth. We all have the ability to search for the truth these days. It isn’t hard to do.

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I don't know about the rest of you but when it comes to a major news avent, I always turn to the BBC. They might not be perfect but I trust them to get it right 99% of the time.


It's sad & potentially dangerous that many, including a large proportion of the young, seem to get their news & form their opinions based on news & views from social media outlets.


As for newspapers, there are only a few quality ones in the UK. I favour the 'i' newspaper as it seems to provide a balanced view. Sadly, even our local newspaper The Star seems to have gone downhill in recent years with poor quality journalism with its journalists trawling social media for stories & printing these to fill their paper rather than have their journalists going out in the field.

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Guest makapaka
Nah. It is 2018.


Anyone with any intelligence is watching big brother, rather than the other way round.


Fake news is a myth. We all have the ability to search for the truth these days. It isn’t hard to do.


Fake news isn’t a myth.


The ability to search for the truth doesn’t change that - simply because they can’t be bothered or want to believe what they are being told.


It’s happened forever but social media has elevated it to worrying levels.

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Fake news isn’t a myth.


The ability to search for the truth doesn’t change that - simply because they can’t be bothered or want to believe what they are being told.


It’s happened forever but social media has elevated it to worrying levels.


Fake news is a myth is fake news?


*head blows off in consfuzzlement*

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