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Men only dinner

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£100 + £25 taxi fare.


In case it's not bleeding obvious to some the issue is......


This agency and prestigious event have potentially been party to young women ending up, drunk, in a party of clandestine strangers, very rich influential men.

A number of these young women were absolutely not expecting a night's table host at the Dorchester paying under £200 (although free alcohol) to be anything sex related at all.

I'm not up to speed with sex work price lists but sounds cheap.

It's possible that some women chose to return to this job year on year for exactly that opportunity, to bag a hugely wealthy man.

From this report and rumours it could be that unsuspecting uni students have been lured, scared off and gagged with NDA.


And then there is each person's personal and professional role to consider.

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Yet again, a small number of (presumably rather insecure) men are trying to defend the indefensible; what part of not treating women like objects for your own gratification aren't you getting?


I think you will find most of the people you refer to are simply asking for proof which is not unreasonable unless you feel we should just take someones word when such serious allegations are being made.

This country still operates by 'innocent until proven guilty' unless there has been a recent change in the law im not aware of


Victim blaming

Alleged. How would you feel if it was all made up just for a story? The victims would then be the men who were gathered simply to have a good night out and raise bucket loads of cash for good causes.


God help the victims if any of you ever get called to jury service on a rape trial.

If a rape accusation came to court you can be damn sure there would be evidence to back it up. Is there any here? Can you point to something more substantial than a few people feelings, words, emotions?


---------- Post added 24-01-2018 at 19:18 ----------


Well, in fairness, thats been happening an awful lot at the moment, certainly in tinseltown.


Not just tinsel town. In American universities young lads are thrown out on their ear and branded sex offenders on the whim of some girl who changes her mind sometimes up to a year after consensual sex.

Have you heard of Mattress girl? Its a scary story and only the tip of a very large iceberg.

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I think you will find most of the people you refer to are simply asking for proof which is not unreasonable unless you feel we should just take someones word when such serious allegations are being made.

This country still operates by 'innocent until proven guilty' unless there has been a recent change in the law im not aware of



Alleged. How would you feel if it was all made up just for a story? The victims would then be the men who were gathered simply to have a good night out and raise bucket loads of cash for good causes.



If a rape accusation came to court you can be damn sure there would be evidence to back it up. Is there any here? Can you point to something more substantial than a few people feelings, words, emotions?


I don't need proof to criminal trial standard thanks - it's a story from a reputable journalist working on a reputable paper and it's entirely believable. You just don't want to acknowledge that men behave very badly sometimes and you're trying every trick in the book to avoid saying so.

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Alleged. How would you feel if it was all made up just for a story? The victims would then be the men who were gathered simply to have a good night out and raise bucket loads of cash for good causes.

at least one mans left his position, would he do that if there was no foundation to it? wouldnt he fight his case? or is he now the victim and the women are the perpetrators?

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I don't need proof to criminal trial standard thanks - it's a story from a reputable journalist working on a reputable paper and it's entirely believable. You just don't want to acknowledge that men behave very badly sometimes and you're trying every trick in the book to avoid saying so.




Come on . That rag is no better than the Daily Mail .


Again , has this journo bird published any actual evidence this took place ?


No she hasnt.

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Come on . That rag is no better than the Daily Mail .


you DO know its the financial times? OO


as far as im aware generally its a business orientated paper not politically biased nor sensationalist and DOESNT post stories just to rile its readership up

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Any proof it it is true ?




Do you really find it hard to believe that rich, powerful men treat women badly sometimes?


Or is it just that dirty old streak of misogyny that runs right through you and makes you think all women are liars and sluts?

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Do you really find it hard to believe that rich, powerful men treat women badly sometimes?


Or is it just that dirty old streak of misogyny that runs right through you and makes you think all women are liars and sluts?


I dare say it does happen , but there is no proof what so ever anything untoward happened at this fund raising dinner . Only the word of a journo who`s job it is to find stories that will sell papers.

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