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Men only dinner

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I can't help but wonder if everyone who dismisses this would react the same way if it were a different group of men.


A meeting of....

Muslim men fundraising?

Bishops collecting for the roof?

Even a bunch of old coal miners in a WMC?

exactly, its rich (mostly) white male men, so people are blaise about it

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exactly, its rich (mostly) white male men, so people are blaise about it


Well no not really, the subject of the other thread, the darts walk on girls thread, is in a similar vein I suppose to this one and that's working class men.

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Well no not really, the subject of the other thread, the darts walk on girls thread, is in a similar vein I suppose to this one and that's working class men.


Not really.

The darts thread, about women choosing to work in the glamour environment which is heavily scrutinised by us all.

This is about the power to abuse your protected position (in this case extreme wealth) to completely ignore societal and possibly legal rules and do exactly what you want.


Think about it. If a bloke got up in the crowd at darts and grabbed the ladies bum would everyone join in?


Would women book to work these events if they weren't desperate for £150?

Two kinds of ladies, one expensive but doesn't complain because she knows the work. The other poor who needs rent so is cheap and can be silenced.

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Youre wasting your time. Ive been asking for the evidence to back up these allegations from the start. All people will do is berate you, call you an apologist and then get the thread closed.

I wouldnt bother If I were you.


Ive asked the same, but you wont get proof it happened , because there isnt any , just accusations from a journo bird trying to sell newspapers.

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apologising, excuses and changing the subject AGAIN :roll:


I can't see how.


I am not apologising for anyone. Anyone proven to have acted inappropriately should be dealt with. A grope should have ensured being chucked out.


By changing the subject do you mean pointing out that this is not a male only problem, it is a problem resulting in power. If it was a room full of drunken women and scantily dressed young men, the behaviour would have been the same.


You know that but won't admit it because it doesn't fit into the acceptable script from SJWs.

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I can't be arsed to click on those links but if people are trying to make out that as far as these women were concerned this Presidents Club was just another run of the mill networking/fundraising event like any other then I'm not buying it. If nothing else, being instructed to dress like a whore should have gave them a clue as to the nature of it.

Them Chipendales have a lot to answer to;)

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In a TV interview with one of these hostesses, she was complaining about the men's behaviour and said it was the same last year too, this was the second time she'd been a hostess at this event. If it's that bad surely you wouldn't do it again ? or is it a case of some women will do anything for money !!

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