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Men only dinner

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"Allegedly" happened at the event.


Jesus, can we all just get that A word in our head before we spout off with our various ill informed reactions.


Until there is PROOF that any of this misconduct actually happened beyond the words of ONE deliberately planted journalist we are currently in a position that nothing happened at the event.


To the critics mouthing off to those with a different point of view, this is not about trying to defend the indefensible. It is absolutely not about being insecure and certainly not grounds to deem someone unfit to serve a rape jury. God sake. We are simply talking about a lack of evidence and proof here. You know, the kind of thing that courts and police particularly like to deal with.


Why the hell does someone asking for proof give right to tar them with having a blanket denial of the sitatuon and instant support to the perpetrators. Its not.


Its just merely questionning the so far very weak evidence produced by this so called journalist.


Nobody knows all the facts yet. Nobody knows what extra footage/documents or comments are still to come.


Until such time NOBODY has a right to spout off about what has or hasnt happened. NOBODY has a right to demand heads on the block of any of the attendess and most importantly NONE of our paid elected members have a right to demand resignation and condemnation of someone without proof of any misconduct or illegal behaviour.


We dont have trial by mob rule in this country. Trial by twitter is ugly and wholly inaccurate. Beyond reasonable doubt is all that matters and nobody has hit that yet.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Not a surprise that you seek to mount a defence of this.


There’s a massive problem with what happened at the event and your argument is only going to work if the women were explicitly employed as prostitutes. And that in itself is a massive can of worms.


You’ve got no shame.


I'm not surprised that you jump to conclusions, or make the fantastical leap from hostess to prostitute. Since I opened by saying that it was seedy it's quite clear what I think of such events, but the difference is that I believe in the individuals freedom of choice to do legally what they choose. All I've seen so far is a lot of virtue signaling on behalf of people who aren't complaining.


To be more constructive, just what is the massive problem with what happened at the event?

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I'm not surprised that you jump to conclusions, or make the fantastical leap from hostess to prostitute. Since I opened by saying that it was seedy it's quite clear what I think of such events, but the difference is that I believe in the individuals freedom of choice to do legally what they choose. All I've seen so far is a lot of virtue signaling on behalf of people who aren't complaining.


To be more constructive, just what is the massive problem with what happened at the event?


Women being sexually assaulted, groped, touched up - if you don't think that's a massive problem, I have serious concerns about your moral health.

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Yet again, a small number of (presumably rather insecure) men are trying to defend the indefensible; what part of not treating women like objects for your own gratification aren't you getting?


Victim blaming, left, right and centre. God help the victims if any of you ever get called to jury service on a rape trial.


---------- Post added 24-01-2018 at 17:17 ----------



In sexually assaulting women? Are you for real?


I've been watching the news on and off all day and as yet have heard nothing about women being sexually assaulted at this "Presidents Club".


It does all appear to be a bit seedy but you have to question the intentions of the women that are partaking in this; they're doing so entirely of their own volition and are probably getting paid very well for it. They're probably the same types that frequent "China White's", trying to bag a Premier league footballer.

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I've been watching the news on and off all day and as yet have heard nothing about women being sexually assaulted at this "Presidents Club".


It does all appear to be a bit seedy but you have to question the intentions of the women that are partaking in this; they're doing so entirely of their own volition and are probably getting paid very well for it. They're probably the same types that frequent "China White's", trying to bag a Premier league footballer.


They will be on better-than-waitress money but not mega money by any stretch of the immagination.

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Women being sexually assaulted, groped, touched up - if you don't think that's a massive problem, I have serious concerns about your moral health.


Before you try to castigate me, it rather depends what the women expected don't you think. You need to address that point first but you seem to be resisting calling the women's morals into question

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I've been watching the news on and off all day and as yet have heard nothing about women being sexually assaulted at this "Presidents Club".


It does all appear to be a bit seedy but you have to question the intentions of the women that are partaking in this; they're doing so entirely of their own volition and are probably getting paid very well for it. They're probably the same types that frequent "China White's", trying to bag a Premier league footballer.


Can I respectfully suggest you read the article linked to in the 2nd post and inform yourself of the details before you go and blame the women for the mens poor behaviour.


Your attemp to smear the women is both cheap and nasty.

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They will be on better-than-waitress money but not mega money by any stretch of the immagination.


its not bad money for a young girl, serving a few drinks and having a bit of banter with the drunk rich famous celebs, if they dont like it they wont do men onlys again?? i would hazard a guess they do these mens nights quite often.

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