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Would use an App to report problems in Sheffield Parks? - Research

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I’m currently studying for a BA in Graphic Design and I’m doing some research for a project.


Sheffield is investing in it's Parks, with Norfolk Park the first to receive funding. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/council-to-invest-1-5m-in-sheffield-s-parks-1-8422494


There are issues with Vandalism in parks alongside other problems such as flytipping, broken equipment and littering. What I don’t want to see happen is money to be invested in parks and then for them to be destroyed by vandals.


CCTV would help prevent some of this but I feel that an app which could be used to report vandalism and other park issues would help. The app would use GPS to locate you and you could upload photos of problem you want to report, you could also add a phone number or email address so the council can respond.


This app could also be used to notify residents of events occurring in Sheffield parks, for example fayres or if part of the park needs to be closed due to maintenance.


The idea of the app would be that both the council and Sheffield residents help to keep Sheffield’s park in good condition. By keeping residents updated/dealing with problems residents feel that the council is actively responding and are therefore more likely to use the app. Also if vandals feel they are being watched they may be less likely to act (allotments in parks deter vandals/anti-social behaviour).


Another issue I have been reading about is “Friends” groups. For example, Friends of Millhouses park. Although these benefit some parks they can have a negative effect on others. Different Friends groups end up competing for funding so some parks lose out.

“...the London Borough of Camden said that expecting volunteers to come forward proactively could mean that it can be some of the perhaps better-off areas, which have more confidence and skills, that step up to the plate. Deprived communities without those skills do not necessarily have the capacity”. Bringing friends groups or other community groups into competition in this way, whether for funding, or for support from the local authority, therefore risks deepening the inequalities between our communities by contributing to the emergence of a multi-tier parks system.”


“Fields in Trust noted that lobbying and campaigns could result in areas with active campaigns securing protections for their parks, while “other neighbourhoods, equally in need, are less well-served”. The Department of Landscape at Sheffield University argued this can deepen inequalities, as “invariably the better-resourced group with stronger capacity (often on the richer side of town/ the city) will fare better”.” - https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcomloc/45/45.pdf


The suggestion from the report linked above is to have a representative to oversee all the groups or for friend’s groups to create a forum, so for example Friends of Sheffield Parks and local park groups could share resources and knowledge via this forum.


Therefore, I was thinking about a website which would run alongside the app – so Sheffield residents could report issues as with the app but also have a website with guides – for example where to apply for funding, who to contact at the council. Help with organising groups such as gardening groups, or litter picking events. Also an online forum, links to local groups websites, etc. So different Friends could come together via the website to share information, resources, etc.


I’m looking for any feedback on these ideas. Would you use an app/website like this? Would you like to see different features on the app? Any other ideas/feedback?

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We can already feed info to the council in various ways. So what? The question is what do they do about it? Whizzy apps are all very nice and fun to play with, but the wider political situation means local authorities have very little money for parks and other things a civilised society needs.

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There is already an app called Love Green Streets which allows you to photograph whatever the issue is, attaches a GPS and street location and sends a report to the relevant authority. I have used this on several occasions to report fly tipping, broken street furniture and other issues and the response rate from SCC is quite acceptable.


What you are proposing seems to be much the same but with an associated web page where interested parties can track problems and solutions.

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I know it's a bit off topic but...


Wasn't there one for reporting pot holes in roads?


It seems that Bilge hit the nail on the head. Apps are great if they work. And then the powers that be might come with a tin of yellow paint and put a circle round discarded needles etc in parks!


Having a dig aside, if it came down to money, I would expect SCC to shift used needles in a kids play area/park before they filled a pot hole. And yes, I do own a car.

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We can already feed info to the council in various ways. So what? The question is what do they do about it? Whizzy apps are all very nice and fun to play with, but the wider political situation means local authorities have very little money for parks and other things a civilised society needs.


As I mentioned the council are putting money into parks.


There is already an app called Love Green Streets which allows you to photograph whatever the issue is, attaches a GPS and street location and sends a report to the relevant authority. I have used this on several occasions to report fly tipping, broken street furniture and other issues and the response rate from SCC is quite acceptable.


What you are proposing seems to be much the same but with an associated web page where interested parties can track problems and solutions.


I've not heard or not can I find the App Love Green Streets, could you provide a link? I can't find it on the Play store.


The website could be about the Friends Groups only instead. The website could provides resources/ways of sharing resources between groups.


Another idea I had was aiming the app at children, ones between ages of 10-16 to encourage they to get more involved in. They wouldn't be likely to use an app aimed at adults who want to report pot holes/street lighting issues but they might report problems that affect parks as this age group is one of the main users of parks.

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How come most threads that start with "Im doing research for blah degree at blah university and need..." get locked from the get go but this one hasnt?


Dont get me wrong, I like the debate (not that I can add much on this one - I know that doesnt normally stop me ;)) but is it mods slow off the mark or a change in policy?


Good luck with it by the way :)

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How much would it cost to create your app and get it up and running?


I don't know. I wouldn't actually be creating the app just the visuals. Perhaps I should have explained that.


It is a Graphic Design course so we don't do coding, app building, etc. All about the design side not back-end, however we are still required to do research into whether there is an audience for what it is we are proposing. However, showing how much it would cost in the real world isn't part of this.


The project has to have some sort of critical or cultural or professional concern.


I decided to look at the issue of parks and the problems they face.


I have taken a look at the app, thanks geared.


Thanks tinfoilhat.

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I think the mean Love Clean Streets? Which has Apple, Android and Windows Phone apps.


If that app does everything you were talking about (which it does appear to do) then it's pointless developing your own app.

Also the app linked is openly offering to customise the app to your given specification.


Sorry, Love Clean Streets it is. I should remember to put my glasses on when reading anything on my 'phone. :rolleyes:

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