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'Smart' M1 speed cameras on Sheffield stretch on 24-hours-a-day

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Interesting....how many accidents involve HGV's at 56mph on the motorway? Genuine question...


Umm, not even sure where you'd find the answer to that... But I think the question you ask needs modifying - whats the accident rate for HGV's in a car traffic stream restricted to 50mph, compared to a similar stream at 70mph...


I've read a couple of thought provoking posts that basically said lorries shouldnt be running during the rush hour and they should be banned from the road between 7am and 10am and 5pm to 7pm. It also went on to say that from 10pm to 7am the motorway limit for all vehicles should be 56mph which would mkae life easier on lorries as a carrot for the previous stick...

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I was replying too Pressleys assertion that more speed equals more accidents....not necessarily true.. the " slower " roads in this country are more dangerous than the fast motorways..


Common sense prevails, the faster your going when encountering any type of trouble the less time you have to do anything about it. PS. Whether it be Slow roads or Fast roads you get Idiots on both.

Edited by PRESLEY
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Practically everyone drives above 70 on motorways . This is just more targeting of motorists by the Government to raise revenue.


no they don't and there is a very simple way to avoid a fine and that is to stick to the speed limit, it's really not that hard.

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Motorway accidents are the most lethal though... it's the fact the traffic is grade seperated and well streamed taht keeps the accident rate down and as you say makes them so safe. It used to be that the UK motorway was the safest roads in the world - not sure if thats still the case though
Not if the bint I saw this morning (and had -as had others!- to emergency-brake for) is getting to be the norm.


Dark blue Clio, older shape, she cut across from middle (3rd) lane into the M18-joining filter lane at Jct 31 northbound, only 100 yards from the ramp, within 50 yards or so. Literally as if there was nobody around (if you're familiar with that jct, at around 08:15 in the morning, you'll know that it's ultra-congested and stationary over 2 lanes)...


...with her iPhone (screen lit, so in use) in left f&£¥$*ing hand :rant:

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Seemed to be the case on the M1 90 mins ago. 50mph on the gantry due to congestion. The only cars braking where the ones in the outside lane ignoring the limit.


All the other lanes were flowing nicely.


Wasn't there something about the speed limit being dropped to 50mph at peak periods to limit the emissions. I remember back in February and March when I was heading up to Leeds that the 50MPH signs came on at 7 AM and at night they came on about 4.30.

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Wasn't there something about the speed limit being dropped to 50mph at peak periods to limit the emissions. I remember back in February and March when I was heading up to Leeds that the 50MPH signs came on at 7 AM and at night they came on about 4.30.




The gantry signs mentioned conjestion though.

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i dont


my little van is most economical between 55 and 60. so i stay over in lane 1 with the lorries and get 30% more value for money from my tankfull


Rather you than me,i am never comfortable with an artic travelling a few metres behind me.I do the speed limits whenever possible,i don't worry about mpg,i don't really have any idea how many miles i get with my car.I just fill it up when it gets low.:)

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