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'Smart' M1 speed cameras on Sheffield stretch on 24-hours-a-day

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GPS is accurate, so you can always use that as a reference.


---------- Post added 27-01-2018 at 11:02 ----------



You show me a valid calibration certificate of that sign and I’ll concede otherwise you’re wrong.


I am simply stating if that had been a camera and registered me at 32 when I was doing 29 I would have got a ticket if there was a fine for going 1mph over the limit.

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You have too much money then

do you question the price of a pint? or anything else


you will of course get to your destination a whole minute quicker than i will. for your extra money spent.


If the speed differential is 20 miles per hour, it's going to be a lot more than a minute quicker isn't it unless you're making a very short journey.


Instead of changing the speed limits or handing out fines, why don't we teach people how to drive properly. I see so much bad driving these days and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like this even like 8-10 years ago.

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Instead of changing the speed limits or handing out fines, why don't we teach people how to drive properly. I see so much bad driving these days and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like this even like 8-10 years ago.


And the vast vast majority of bad driving is not due to driving 10-15mph over the speed limit on the motorway in good weather/traffic.

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And the vast vast majority of bad driving is not due to driving 10-15mph over the speed limit on the motorway in good weather/traffic.


Not that I see anyway. What I see mainly is people changing lanes without looking, people sitting in the middle lane, tailgating (below the speed limit and above), people who speed up when you go to overtake and just generally can't stick to a constant speed.

I also see the odd speeding car that is driving way too fast for the conditions but that's a lot rarer than the other idiocy I see.

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Less Speed = less accidents= less deaths. Less Speed = having better control of your vehicle. :nono:


The biggest lie told to us by the Government and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker.



Unexpected findings emerged, not least the relative unimportance that speeding plays in road accidents that kill six people each day in the UK, leave 68 others seriously hurt and 535 with less serious injuries.


"It has been an eye-opener," says project manager Neil Greig, of the IAM. "Not just in terms of what causes an accident but in terms of dispelling some of the popular myths. For instance, if you look at Government campaigns they seem to say that speed is the number one problem. But illegal speeding – when drivers exceed the posted limit – accounts for only 13.9 per cent of fatal accidents. A bigger cause [15.9 per cent] is going too fast for the conditions – entering a bend too quickly, for instance – when you might well be under the actual speed limit."


But the biggest cause of road accidents in the UK today? The statistics are quite clear on this and it's "driver error or reaction". It's listed by police as a factor in more than 65 per cent of fatal crashes and the heading covers a multitude of driving sins many of which you're probably on first-name terms with. Topping the charge sheet is failing to look properly (the Smidsy factor – "Sorry mate, I didn't see you', relevant in 20.5 per cent of fatals involving driver error), followed by "loss of control" (34 per cent) which, says Greig, often means leaving yourself with "nowhere to go" after entering a bend or other situation, too quickly. Other errors include "poor turn or manoeuvre" (12 per cent) and "failed to judge other person's path or speed" (11.6 per cent.).


Second biggest cause of fatal accidents, to blame for 31 per cent, is the "injudicious action", an umbrella term for "travelled too fast for the conditions' (15.9 per cent of those labelled injudicious), "exceeded speed limit" (13.9 per cent) or "disobeyed give-way or stop sign" (2.1 per cent)?


Third culprit in the daily gamble on who lives and who dies is "behaviour or inexperience" (28 per cent), which covers faults such as "careless, reckless or in a hurry" (17 per cent), "aggressive driving" (8.3 per cent) and "learner/inexperienced" (5.3 per cent).


The fourth main category is "impairment or distraction" (to blame for 19.6 per cent of fatal accidents) covering "alcohol" (a factor in 9.6 per cent of fatal accidents) and "distraction in vehicle" (2.6 per cent).



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GPS is accurate, so you can always use that as a reference.



GPS on what? Are you saying that everyone has to have sat nav? The built in sat nav in my car has no option to display speed..do I have to have a gadget stuck to the windscreen?

Edited by truman
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