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Has anybody on here ever bought anything from betterware that works

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i'm sick of them putting that catalogue through my door...then coming back for it and cos i dont answer the door and pretend not to be in(cos i have just seen them coming up the drive) they leave another note saying they are coming back the next night..not much point cos the catalogues gone straight in the bin with the rest of the junk...i once bought this whistking key ring off em...if i lost my keys all i had to do was whistle and it would whistle back..well that was the theory..it never whistled backwhen i whistled ...but that night when i went to bed it never stopped whistling downstairs like a f***ing budgerigar...then we had these fridge rollers of them for 12 quid...move your fridge with ease it said on the pack..well apart from breaking my back lifting the fridge on them one didnt move and it toppled the fridge over..frightened our cat to death it did..we didnt see it after that for three days!! :confused:

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I fell out with my Betterware person cos he didn't like me putting his catalogues in the bin. I pointed out that I didn't force him to put junk through my door - it was his choice. I didn't get any more. Kinda missed laughing at the crap on offer.

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I had a whistling key ring off em too, total waste of time, it went off with the sound of usic, the TV, and the kids playing, when i did loose my keys, i spent a good few hours walking round the house.. looking like a total loony whistling my head off ... with no luck, ended up getting the spare keys out!

dont they come to collect their books at the most inappropriate times too? :suspect: Im sure they wait at the bottom of my drive, waiting for the bathroom lights to go on, give me 5 mins till my rear connects to the bath water ... then ring the bell:rant:



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i'm sick of them putting that catalogue through my door...then coming back for it and cos i dont answer the door and pretend not to be in(cos i have just seen them coming up the drive) they leave another note saying they are coming back the next night..not much point cos the catalogues gone straight in the bin with the rest of the junk...i once bought this whistking key ring off em...if i lost my keys all i had to do was whistle and it would whistle back..well that was the theory..it never whistled backwhen i whistled ...but that night when i went to bed it never stopped whistling downstairs like a f***ing budgerigar...then we had these fridge rollers of them for 12 quid...move your fridge with ease it said on the pack..well apart from breaking my back lifting the fridge on them one didnt move and it toppled the fridge over..frightened our cat to death it did..we didnt see it after that for three days!! :confused:




This made me laugh out loud !


I can picture your poor cat now.

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i've never bought from betterware, but i believe the tupperware tubs etc to be quite good, but as for the whistling keyring, i'd have demanded my money back.

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I used to work for them, eons ago, their knives were good IMO but working for them was pants.

The outlay for the catalogues was pretty steep, which would be why someone got cross about them going in the bin.

An unrewarding job in many ways I found.

We had 4 of those keyrings, not from Betterware though, 2 for house keys, two for car keys and they drove us INSANE :rant:, I think one ended up on the motorway being launched from the car window, one got thrown into the back garden around 11pm one night, I gave one to my godson and the last one got stood on. Would rather look for my keys than have one of those things again.

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my mum used to take out the catalogues, it was bloody ridiculous, she didnt get paid much for it and the woman who used to bring all the stuff was a nasty piece of work, she would count the catalogues every week and if there were any missing my mum had to pay about £1.50 per catalogue, she did this for a few years the mad woman, I have to agree the stuff they sell is total junk, they used to have make up but had to stop selling it because most people who bought it had bad reactions to it

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The people who so dislike it, why not try a little bit of politeness and ask the person to stop leaving the catalogue, instead of being an arse, binning it and then not having the courage to answer the door?

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