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No more walk-on models at the Darts

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A friend of mine has done F1 work in recent years, she's a very attractive, good natured and extremely intelligent girl, she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions etc, she's traveled to places I can only dream of through F1 and she's used the money to pay her way through Leicester University, she's also been one of the Bennetts Babes at the British Superbikes (and can be seen on their website) she's met many girls through this work who have become good freinds, she's had a great lifestyle and enjoyed it thoroughly.


Its not always the exploitation that some would have you believe.

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A friend of mine has done F1 work in recent years, she's a very attractive, good natured and extremely intelligent girl, she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions etc, she's traveled to places I can only dream of through F1 and she's used the money to pay her way through Leicester University, she's also been one of the Bennetts Babes at the British Superbikes (and can be seen on their website) she's met many girls through this work who have become good freinds, she's had a great lifestyle and enjoyed it thoroughly.


Its not always the exploitation that some would have you believe.


First of all, well done for having attractive female friends. Your time spent on the Internet has clearly not been wasted.


Secondly, did you stop to think about the wider context. You know, stuff like talented women being taken seriously even if their breasts are quite small?

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A friend of mine has done F1 work in recent years, she's a very attractive, good natured and extremely intelligent girl, she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions etc, she's traveled to places I can only dream of through F1 and she's used the money to pay her way through Leicester University, she's also been one of the Bennetts Babes at the British Superbikes (and can be seen on their website) she's met many girls through this work who have become good freinds, she's had a great lifestyle and enjoyed it thoroughly.


Its not always the exploitation that some would have you believe.


Well said, I follow bike racing and these girls are happy doing their job, talking and enjoying their day like everyone else, none of them seem to look as if they are forced to be there. Just because a few well off guys who think, and proberbly could buy anything and anyone they want choose to behave in this way doesn't have to spoil things for everybody else!

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Well said, I follow bike racing and these girls are happy doing their job, talking and enjoying their day like everyone else, none of them seem to look as if they are forced to be there. Just because a few well off guys who think, and proberbly could buy anything and anyone they want choose to behave in this way doesn't have to spoil things for everybody else!


A) No-one has suggested that they were forced to be there.


B) What exactly has been spoiled?

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Its not always the exploitation that some would have you believe.

It goes deeper than pure exploitation, its how our countries history is built on the servature of women to men, being an object of men only, how can the womens group i posted earlier seriously push womens sport to the fore when they are only seen as walk on girls to the general populace?

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It goes deeper than pure exploitation, its how our countries history is built on the servature of women to men, being an object of men only, how can the womens group i posted earlier seriously push womens sport to the fore when they are only seen as walk on girls to the general populace?


You do see things in a very narrow context mel, what happens in modelling, photography, art and commercial media ?

People are objectified, that's what !

Our country's history was not built on servitude of women it was built on servitude of class, unless your spouting feminist nonsense, the walk on girls are paid, they can choose to do the job or do something else, what has women's sport got to do with it, it's not their concern ..... and with regards to pushing it (womens sport)to the fore, it has to achieve on merit, and the amount of people wanting to support female sport will determine where it stands.

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It goes deeper than pure exploitation, its how our countries history is built on the servature of women to men, being an object of men only, how can the womens group i posted earlier seriously push womens sport to the fore when they are only seen as walk on girls to the general populace?


Yet another straw man argument. Nobody is stopping women playing or watching sport and they have basically the same opportunities to participate that men have. Yet sport is dominated by men because men are more interested than women. It's just how it is and you don't need to feel guilty that the sexes are often interested in different things.


When did you last go to your local knitting group Mel?

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It goes deeper than pure exploitation, its how our countries history is built on the servature of women to men, being an object of men only, how can the womens group i posted earlier seriously push womens sport to the fore when they are only seen as walk on girls to the general populace?


Why do you see women as one homogenous group?


Women choosing to be walk on girls has no bearing on a different set of women that are seeking to push women's sport to the fore.


In case you've not noticed female sport has been doing just great recently and that's in spite of walk on girls.

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It goes deeper than pure exploitation, its how our countries history is built on the servature of women to men, being an object of men only, how can the womens group i posted earlier seriously push womens sport to the fore when they are only seen as walk on girls to the general populace?


Mention rugby to the women i know and the first words out of their mouths are 'oooh, all those big men rolling about in mud'.


Should i tell them to stop objectifying men and tell them that they can only watch it if they concentrate on the sporting aspect?

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