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JustGiving (and others) Fees

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A 5% fee seems to me to be very good value for the services that it provides.


I'd much rather donate to a charity this way than deal with those chuggers on Fargate who want the bank details of anyone who passes and whose services I assume cost much more than 5%.


Seems fair too me as well.

Over the years, I've become turned off by the large charity organisations.


To me the larger Charities have just become high profile and slick businesses, so much seems to be about branding, we'll have a new British heart foundation shop in S6 opening soon, it'll be plush and I guess the new refitted premises won't have come cheap. I rarely step foot in places like that now, much prefer to donate my time and money more locally.

Now days I'd rather stick a few cans of food in the food bank collection, than spend money in charity shops, although I spent/donated a few hundred pounds last year locally in barnado's this year any spare money will Be going to my own projects.

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