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Voting at age 16

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Children in Wales are going to be allowed to vote. Labour have changed the rules so that 16 year old children can vote in local elections. The SNP did the same in Scotland.


If children can vote they should also be allowed to buy alcohol in the pub, get shot at in the army, have a tattoo, buy a knife, get married without parents permission, etc.

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Yes it should be at least 42


'Adolescence now lasts from 10 to 24'




I do agree with the sentiment of ENG601PM, things should be inter-related. 15/16 was once the school leaving age, now its more like 18/19


Should voting be related to when a person become financially active?


I believe the organisations that are bringing the voting age down, are doing it because of self interest.

What does the electoral Commission say, I will go with that, because they are our independent experts.

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'Adolescence now lasts from 10 to 24'


I believe the organisations that are bringing the voting age down, are doing it because of self interest.

What does the electoral Commission say, I will go with that, because they are our independent experts.


I fully agree with the self interest bit. I would not trust the electoral commission though, as imo true independence is a rare thing in British public life.

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I don’t agree that that voting age should be lowered to 16.


Jeremy Corbyn would love that.


There may be a bit of a kick back though. Underprivileged white kids on estates may be tempted by the far right. Although those influenced by teachers will vote Labour.

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It is only natural to lower the voting age to 16. The young nowadays have a lot more access to information and can therefore be better informed compared to previous generations. This is of course a double edged sword as they will need to analyse the information and decide accordingly.

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